Carte Blanche 1/2 Joy the DM 06/04/2024 (Tue) 01:36 No.4509 del
(372.12 KB 1536x1024 ashley66.jpg)
(340.50 KB 1000x1541 Spellsword Guard.jpg)
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''As they get close Ashley walks onto the road smiling and waving her arms." "Hey guys, I'm so glad you guys showed up, we're having a bit of an issue." [1d20+6=10 vs DC10]

They stop and look down at her and her cart. The driver calls, "Need some help?"

Ashley uses investigation [1d20+1=20 nice!]
Ashley clasps her hands and nods excitedly. The guard appears to have an identification tag but it doesn't look like an adventure's plate, it's silver colored so it could be equivalent to a silver adventurer's tag. He's wearing a fine set of half-plate in good condition and he has a fancy looking great sword strapped to his back, he's also wearing rings some of which have a slight aura to them. He looks strong and capable but a pouch on his belt seems to be a component pouch for spells requiring materials. She also sees a glimpse of a large focus just peeking out under his plate on his belt. To Ashley's estimation it has to be worth at least 200-250 gold but might be worth more because she can't see it clearly. The driver isn't a civilian either he has the garb reminiscent of a ranger and he has a very fancy bow Ashley can't recognize. It also has an aura meaning it's probably magic, and on his belt is a nasty looking short sword, again, this one has an aura. He is also wearing a pendant that has the aura of a large focus gem, it's smaller but still likely 100 gold or more. He's wearing studded leather armor.

[The pictures attached are them for all intents and purposes so what you see is what you're going to get.]

The cart is laden with general supplies akin to housewares and provisions, furniture, and other furnishings in good condition. It seems like they have most of what you'd need to set a house but the dozen or so reading lamps in a netted bag makes her think it's more than a house.

The rothés are calm as they stop, two big ones about the size of the one you took down previously. Ashley notes they're very securely fastened and probably couldn't come loose unless released from their yokes

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