Carte Blanche Map [Round 1] Joy the DM 06/05/2024 (Wed) 08:01 No.4523 del
(5.37 MB 3120x3220 High Road Fork 01.jpg)

You are technically in a turn-based mode at this point. This is a time where seconds count, each round is only 6 seconds long so 1 minute is 10 rounds.

If you attack, this is considered an ambush of the enemy by you.

Currently you have initiative, advantage for the next action and roll, and all enemies will have disadvantage this round for attacks and rolls. The Ranger would go before the Spellsword.

The Ranger and Spellsword are considered evil but they are still NPC citizens of the realm and that means their deaths have far reaching consequences, any witnesses will know what you did and that information is permeant and can be obtained by various means.

The Two are blocked from view of anyone but you and themselves at this moment.

Witnesses must have visual line of sight, be facing the direction of the event, and be within a reasonable distance.

There is no current means to extract witness testimony from a unintelligent beast.

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