Round 1 (1/2) Ashley (and Joy) 06/11/2024 (Tue) 02:35 No.4593 del
(248.18 KB 1600x2859 MrBigglesworth.webp)
(242.21 KB 848x1536 Ashley12.webp)
Yulya casts EMBOLDENING BOND on Ashley and Cat.

Cat advises the children to move south [1d20+1=9 vs DC10] but they just stare up at her with terrified looks of surprise and confusion.

Alice waves goodbye to the children but they're near catatonic and don't respond.

I see cat and Alice coming, furthermore I see the children aren't moving. I send Mr. Bigglesworth their way to distract them. [CHA 1d20+4=15 vs DC10]

The Children are enthralled by this cyborg cutie, sharing Ashley's abilities to some extent, Mr. Bigglesworth does a little dance on his hind legs and the children are mesmerized. The all crowd around him each wanting a turn to pet and see him up close.

Mr. Bigglesworth purrs like base boosted a sewing machine.

I instruct Velma and Zelda to attack.

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