Autumn 06/25/2024 (Tue) 21:18 No.4757 del
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We faught a ghost! It had some really annoying attacks, posession of course was the biggest issue. Thankfully Bear was immune to posession and Joy said Yulya is too because of "SheShe's blessing". Also Ashley is already technically possessed, she is a curse, and has a demigoddess attachment so no ghost can unravel all that. Freya on the other hand didn't have such protection and Bear had to use non-leathal knockout on her which lowered her to 0hp even though he hit for more. Technically you can't do that with anything but blunt weapons or unarmed. He has his great maul.

The ghost was also tough because it has resistance to most things so half damage. We sent it back to the ethereal plane permanently.

We're on level 3 of this dungeon looking for the orb, there was a rumor of a "mad wizard".

The ghost was CR4 and 1100 exp! It also opened with a move that made half of us "Frightened" which was lame because we had disadvantage on hit and other rolls.

We really need to level up, we're overdue to 3rd level.

We're at least 4 days away from Neverwinter and have quests here so if Ashley can level us that would be awesome. She's untrained though so it could be tricky and who knows what'll happen next with her. I like the soft fleshy Ashley Panther, I don't personally want a T2 Panther as a friend to my Panther form I'm getting as a druid.