Joy the DM 06/26/2024 (Wed) 02:32 No.4764 del
>I am glad its you Sir good to see you!
Yulya details her experience so far and shows him her brand new copper plate

>Yesterday a puma jumped on our cart from behind and we also witnessed that dragon. What a day! You say they can turn into humans too? Have there been such incidents?

He nods, listening intently, "unsubstantiated, but we were briefed this morning to be on the lookout for a humanoid who may be a dragon in polymorphed form. How are we supposed to know that? How can we tell? They didn't answer, no one knows if it's even real!" He throws up his hands in frustration,'' "I have actual banditry and actual dragons to worry about."

>It did have extremely powerful magic. I wish I had such but I am not a dragon but a mere lv1 cleric. Yet I think I know some spells even a dragon cannot learn without the blessing of the gods.

"Well I would say mind your magic and let it not be used for evil purposes. Banditry, theft, murder, these are capital crimes! We're blessed to have new adventurers still coming out of the wild. The gods may yet be on our side."

Yulya keeps staring at the merchant plate as his hand gesticulates with every word.

>The son of a marquis you say? Is it not odd? What was he doing on such a mediocre cart?

"The mind of the nobility is not my mind, I can't say what he'd be doing, why he'd leave the safety and luxury of the court, though nobility is known to travel between the two cities, the items were certainly puzzling, and the cart itself was impressive, stout, but old, it's not typical. Nobility wouldn't have rothés either, he must have procured passage, perhaps traveling in secret? Perhaps to avoid something or someone, their politics run deep. I would guess he was told to lay low for a while and chose to travel to Neverwinter but such an elaborate cart just to tow sundries is a mystery. There must have been something very valuable. A broken chain in the back tells me they were towing something, but what?" he looks down, puzzled.

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