Autumn 06/28/2024 (Fri) 15:00 No.4790 del
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We're in a dungeon that's way above our level. We came across flaming skulls I forget what their official name is, they had around 40hp but knew third tier magic. 4 skulls would cast fireball each, and they were immune to fire and a lot of other stuff but not physical attacks.

Anyway they had nothing but fire based magic. Wouldn't you know, Freya also has nothing but fire based magic and is immune to fire.

Well she can also throw a dagger.

It took her 10 minutes, that's 100 rounds to down them all. They couldn't hurt her but she had to do the whole thing naked or her clothes and equipment would have surely been destroyed.

Cheesiest encounter ever. SheShe only gave her 1/8th the xp with no bonus for 4 enemies because she just threw her dagger at them a hundred times.

In another room we found these huge metal scorpions just sitting there idle. We then found a secret door and there was an unconscious guy in there with a control ring. Well now Ashley has a control ring and two huge metallic scorpions to command.

Then we saw an iron golem...

Damage Immunities Fire, Poison, Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Adamantine


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