Alice 06/30/2024 (Sun) 17:55 No.4806 del
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Alice uses the commotion to emerge from under the cart again. An amoeboid mass creep up to the roof of the cart from behind and forms into the shape of a little girl - well barely. Alice pokes Ashley and tries to wake her up with the tingling of gold coins stored inside her
Psst, heyyy Ashley, rise and shine! We're almost at Neverwinter! Wanna increase your share of the money? Then help me out! You need to make sure that girl I dressed up as Alice pretends to be me until we're in the city while I hide. One less child, 5 gp less entry fee, 5gp more for us!
Plus I don't wanna deal with paranoid guards mistaking me for a shapeshifting dragon.
Ok, gotta hide again, tell her it's a game or something! You got this!
The slime girl falls apart into a shapeless goo which retreats under the cart again and spreads out like a layer of mud.