Home Again Ashley and Joy 07/02/2024 (Tue) 23:48 No.4832 del

Ashley hears everything and sighs in relief, "That's good news!" she streches and looks to Yulya, "did I miss anything?"


The cart grinds to a halt, the confused and invigorated horses in the back prance about like foals after getting a free tug to Neverwinter.

"Hook 'em back up Cat the Barbarian." Brutus says in an authoritative tone.

[Optional Response #1]

Brutus collects the 60 gold for the kids and walks with the guards to the closed gate. He bangs on it with such force it threatens to fall off the hinges. It cracks open and you can see him gesticulate as he talks to a certain tall feminine guard on the other side.

"ME! A DRAGON!" he yells in surprise then laughs heartily. He calls over the other guards. A brief discussion follows and you can tell he's lecturing them toward the end. He holds the coins free in his huge hand and slaps it down on the waiting hands of a guard.

"Guild business, sorry. Take it up with the guildmaster." He then laughs menacingly and they back away as he singlehandedly swings the heavy gates open. He then whistles to Cat and Yulya and motions them to bring the cart along.

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