Yakumo 04/23/2023 (Sun) 20:30 No.485 del
(432.96 KB 1920x1347 Iron Sky.jpeg)
They obviously did not hire enough German rocket scientists.

Well for satellites private rocket programs have achieved a lot by crunching prices. It's also quite profitable because everyone wants to launch satellites and pays well for it. But space exploration? Nope. There's no profit to be made in space so it's all taxpayer's money for science/prestige. Well for now the US is in a space race with China and has the obligation to bring a man (or rather a nigger tranny) to the moon before the Chinese do. But in the long run who's supposed to pay for all this? Private investors? Good luck with that.

Throughout history explorers set out to new frontiers for profit. But as said, there's no profit in space, only death.

We'll see how the Artemis mission to the moon will go, I think it will take a bit longer than 2025 and I highly doubt there will be people living on the moon anytime soon. Too expensive, too dangerous, pointless from a scientific perspective. Robotic probes are far more efficient and cost effective than humans. And let's not even talk about Mars. What would you even do there?