Success Autumn 07/12/2024 (Fri) 08:08 No.4929 del
The goblins and hobgoblin had awful rolls. It took four of them to take out Ashley, then they rolled initiative poorly and only one of them got a second hit in and only did 6 damage to Freya total they had advantage and everything! The Hobgoblin could have one hot Freya but missed with advantage.

Bear took him out easily with zephyr strike and his current weapon that has Uven Rune on it, he also has Dreadful strike, so for his great maul which requires 19 strength, he hits for 3d6+6 magic bludgeoning, +1d10 force + 1d4 psychic.

Then Freya went and used her 6MP focus with mini molten missiles which are like magic missile but do more damage with a coin as material but requires ranged hit roll, which for her is +7, she did 3d4 each missile for 8 missiles, 6 hit, one critically (5d4) and all the 6 goblins were downed with this one spell.

In our game, magic missile and its derivatives have controllable missiles in series so if one downs a foe, a second one can be directed to another still standing rather than having to call the shots ahead of time. Additionally their magnitudes are known ahead of striking and we can judge the HP of enemies so this spell is totally OP when boosted with her focus, like crazy.

If their rolls had been better, they could have taken out Ashley and Freya, but they didn't have enough DPT to take out anyone else unless they critically hit both Freya and Ashley then had enough free guys to take out Autumn. Bear would have had some trouble with them at that point.

So the XP value was 840 because of the 2.1x boost for fighting 7 enemies.
Ashley was downed in 4 moves, and a total of 9 moves were made so the XP splits like this:

9x3+4=31 points 27XP each
Bear, myself and Freya get 9x27, Ashley gets 4x27

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