Greetings From Luskan Autumn the Druid-Witch 07/16/2024 (Tue) 16:23 No.4989 del
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We're currently in Luskan, roughly a quarter the size of Neverwinter just north on the High Road, it's also known as the city of spires. We're at the guild, this one is a repurposed building from the original society of the Arcane Brotherhood, an originally influential and evil group who sought to rule the city. They were defeated and the building stayed with the reformed Arcane Brotherhood this time as the adventurer's guild. It's still an influential pillar of the city-state government again with the nobility at one pillar the church at another and the guild as the third all balanced in their strengths, one for money, one for gods, and one for raw power, together working to protect the city-state under the official rule of the royalty.

Up in this area, there's less issues, but the whole of Neverwinter wood is of course lousy with bandits and goblins and their derivatives. We're on a quest to find a girl who, rumor has it, was almost tricked into slavery but was rescued by the guards and supposedly brought to an orphanage. When we find her, we'll take her back to Neverwinter with us and then arrange to have her escorted to Baldur's Gate if possible where she may have family.

We're ready to level to 4 but we barely have enough money because we just spent 825 gold on a discounted elven long sword. It's a long sword with +1 innately, so magical slashing or magical piercing damage. 1d10+1 one handed, (1d12+1 two-handed). It also qualifies as light so you can use finesse with it. It's an awesome sword and it's mine now yay!

SheShe and Joy worked out a cost system for items as follows:

Normal cost, x3 for elvish crafted, x10 for rare (elven long sword is rare), +500 gold for +1 so it would be 15gp x3 x10 +500 so 950 gold for this, however we got a discount because we also traded a wand of entanglement for an elven great sword. Freya has a new perk given by Corellon which allows her to wield a two-handed elvish sword and use Charisma instead of Strength or Dexterity as long as it has a focus in it. Well it doesn't yet and we're working that out soon. That was a 2000 gold sword but we got it for 750 even trade because it was damaged, it's only in fair condition, and our wand was worth 1250 gold but has minor scratches which brought its condition down.

So if you're going to buy and sell at the same store, keep in mind that you can even trade instead of selling for coin and buying for coin. You still need to negotiate that so it'll take a roll to get it. Freya has expertise in that so it's almost always a given for us. Freya is OP, for sure, and now she can wield a great sword and channel some spells through it with a melee attack. Not to mention her other insane fire spells, don't even get me started.

A mage on the front line?! No, well yes, monsters have a way of going for the weakest ones first so she gets rushed a lot anyway, before, she had no protection against that.

She's going to also get the great sword infused with Shatterspark, a long sword with an ability to always critically hit objects and with a +1 so her great sword is going to be +2 with guaranteed critical hit against objects and a 6MP focus embedded in it. While she wields it she will be able to cast without somatic gestures. She will be holding and swinging it magically. She's named this unique weapon "Reverence, Fey's Bane" since she has all kinds of bonuses against Fey and this will also be part of that gift.

Our final battle let's say or one of them will be to take out certain members of the Fey court. That's Freya's destiny to avenge the treatment of Eladren elves by the Fey. You could say the Fey are the nobility of the Feywilds while the Eladren are the common people and the Feywilds are a crazy place, no place for lower level adventurers.

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