Frosty Phandalin Morning 2 Joy the DM 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:54 No.5148 del
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Elmina is sitting at a table near the bar with two younger men, she notices you raises a snifter of red liquid and smiles before drinking it. No one could care less that it's 09:00, this is a rare treat and they're all happier for having it. She catches Ashley's eye and waves her over. Ashley reluctantly gets up and moseys over, "Yeah?"

She smiles kindly and says, "I've made contact with The Rockseeker brothers, they came in at 06:00 to see the new supplies everyone's talking about and of course asked about their brother. So I told them of course, they were off immediately. I would think they'll be back with their brother arm in arm by noon."

Ashley couldn't believe what she was hearing and it sounded awful, "Are you serious? Are they high level adventurers or something? Do they have good gear to fight hobgoblins and bust up a goblin den?"

Elmina shrugged, I told them I'd send you all along, oh, and don't forget to go talk to Daran at Edermath Orchard, he might be persuaded to come along."

Ashley huffed in a nervous breath, "Yeah you mentioned that, you could have told the Rockseekers to come get us."

She shrugs Ashley off, "Maybe they're waiting for you then."

"Jerk!" Ashley says under her breath as she rushes over to the rest of her team, the locals here look hearty but in no shape to fight goblins, "Gotta hustle, eat up, let's get back there," Ashley describes the situation. "If it'll take 7 hours to get out there walking, we have to catch up with the Rockseeker brothers and hopefully not rescue them too. So it looks like we're running, but first we need to go to the retired guy's house, wait, we also need to go to Linene Greywind at Lionshield Coster, Hobby said she might have some gear. Why did we wake up so late!?"

[Interaction #3]

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