Supplying for the Rescue 2/2 Joy the DM 07/31/2024 (Wed) 02:07 No.5171 del
(25.55 KB 274x341 Edermath Orchard.webp)
(305.81 KB 1024x1024 daran-edermath.webp)
You all leave the shop Ashely with her shield tied securely to her pack, and her thieves' tools in her pack. Alice bundled in two layers and likely feeling much warmer. You make it next to Edermath Orchard. Where apparently there is an Owl hooting contest based on the noises coming from the lush trees. You find a Half-Drow elf man you suppose is Master Edermath himself sitting on a rocking chair on the front porch of this stately manor. The trees of antiquity here were apples, so the long rows of neatly trimmed trees were just showing signs of spring growth and didn't mind the frost at all. [Embed]

In front of the manor you see sheep grazing on the frost burnt grass. He sees you coming with a kind smile at first then upon seeing Ashley, for some reason his smile fades.

[Required Approach and Greeting: Daran is an adventurer of old, no less than 100, probably closer to 140 and long since retired. You can expect he will appreciate formalities, so the leader of the group will need to address him and introduce the troop and the issues at hand. You can see he got a bad feeling about the way Ashley looks for some reason. You don't know what kind of adventurer he was but expect him to be at least Gold plate, though when he adventured they didn't have plates or discrete levels. He would be a supplier of apples and cider to places all around the sword coast as a profession now. His property is obviously set up for business so you're not imposing.]