Alice 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:54 No.5197 del
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Alice happily listens to Daran's words with great interest, nodding frequently. Not that she understands which people he is talking about but the general meaning is clear
Subhumans everywhere. This man understands me!

>"my passion is these trees now, they're like my children and they need me."
Alice's smile brightens even more to the point of being beyond creepy
Your trees truly are splendid, Sir Edermath! I have rarely seen trees in such perfect shape. And they seem unaffected by this horrible weather. Is this magic?
By the way what is your opinion on this cold? I am not from this area but I was told it should not be freezing here. This does not seem to be natural weather! Very suspicious!

Alice notices Yulya's state with slight bewilderment and pats her on the back while hopping on the second chair to get closer to Daran
We would love to have a quick taste of your cider! It must be excellent considering those trees!
Not that Alice knows what a 'cider' is but even for an alien it isn't hard to guess that it must be made from the fruit of this orchard's trees

Haa, how nice it would be to relax here for a while but we're in a but of a hurry. Dead dwarves are bad for our business, you understand!