Alice 08/03/2024 (Sat) 20:45 No.5203 del
(265.36 KB 1445x1950 what about lil me here.jpg)
Alice feels like being investigated by a curious tribe that has never seen an European and lets Daran's otherwisely unforgivable antics slide with a mild smile. It would be impolite to interfere with the naive musings of stone-age people.
Finally someone notices my uniqueness!
Most people so far just took me for granted, it was quite disappointing...

>He inspects Alice more closely, taking her hand and pinching it hard, then attempting to peal away a fingernail
Haha that tickles Sir Edermath!

>He attempts to lift the kimono but Alice slaps his hand away instinctively.
Now now, you are quite bold Sir Edermath! I appreciate your taste but we just met! And how rude, I surely don't smell, all I touch should be digested and cleaned perfectly. Could it be that my skills are still insufficient for your excellent senses in this pathetic form?
Alice looks at Daran with the same keen interest. What a curious being. Very powerful yet hopelessly arrogant. Like all of them, no matter how often this has brought them doom.

>the metallic skin of the denizens of the outer nirvana
''Alice's eyes narrow for a moment. This man must be thoroughly questioned once she has become stronger. Could the influence of the Golden Man and his servants have spread to this world? That would be dangerous!

>The lifespans of the lesser races are so pathetically short, what can even be expected?" he tsked, "It's such a waste."
Alice nods again and raises her finger but hesitates and remains silent. Ignorance is bliss and what she could say would not sit well with this old man.''

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