Conversation Daran and Daylinn 08/03/2024 (Sat) 21:25 No.5204 del
>Thus some sort of outside influence, probably magic must be involved. While I love what you made of your trees, this weather is inacceptable! We must find the source of this cold and eradicate it - or I'm outta here!

She looks at Daran, "Surprisingly verbose."

"Nevermind it's chattering, give this Cleric Yulya a chance to answer."

"No, it speaks as if intelligent, so I'll humor it." she turns back to Alice, "the cold you say? Why yes isn't it cold lately, well of course this can be easily understood by simple deduction. There was an ice dragon spotted nearby and suddenly we see ice and snow in the local mountains, that's no coincidence. Now what is interesting is the treasure it found, some sort of metallic object of unknown origin, looking as though it fell right out of the sky."

Daran interrupts, "Don't concern yourselves, this dragon was likely just their to waylay a potential owner of the thing. It'll lose interest eventually and continue on her migratory path to the north once the summer hits. For now, just enjoy the extended winter."

Daylinn agrees, "True, we shouldn't worry too much. Now about the trees, well they're apple trees, and Daran has bred verieties that don't need much in terms of chill, but won't they be full this year Daran?"

He smiles, "a bumper crop for certain, we should somehow convince the dragon to stay, and welcome it back next spring."

She smirks, "if they were only so accommodating. Well..."

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