Conversation 1/2 Continued Daran and Daylinn 08/05/2024 (Mon) 01:51 No.5210 del
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>[Daran] "The feel of it reminds me of that anomaly," Daran pondered.

>[Daylinn] Now what is interesting is the treasure it found, some sort of metallic object of unknown origin, looking as though it fell right out of the sky.

>Alice's eyes narrow again
>Very strange! How did you happen to learn of this?
>Did you see it or did the dragon tell you?

"See Daran, see it does understand me." She looks to her friend.

"Remarkable," he says thoughtfully.

She attempts to peer around the mask, and sees more of Alice's face. "Oh! Do you know what I think this is? It's an animated doll, but the construction is plasma and not cloth."

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