Conversation 2/2 Continued Daran and Daylinn 08/05/2024 (Mon) 01:52 No.5211 del
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>That said I came here in hope for elven support for our simple task of rescuing Sir Gundren. Our numbers are few and our experience is little. But ultimately it is to be determined by the gods who will join our party not by me.

"Hm, well, I wish you well on your journey, let me see..." ''He rifles through his pockets then looks like he remembered something, He excuses himself and returns shortly with Daylinn holding a small elegant looking ring, "Please take this as a token of good will toward those who could stand against the odds. Any elf worth his salt would join your party for this." [Though he may wish you add an Elf to your party, this view is his alone and is not shared necessarily by your DM]

[Yulya has gained an item: Ring of Quick Casting - Three times a day, at any time, use of this ring can hasten the casting of any spell that requires 1 action; it becomes a free action and is cast instantly. Weight .1lbs value: unknown.]

[Required Response #1: Yulya]

>By the way you know we met a dragon... Could there be two dragons? The guards at Neverwinter spoke of a dragon able to shapeshift into a human. What advice could you give should we encounter it?

Daran laughs, "In to a human? Absurd indeed."

"I don't recommend you encounter a dragon; you know they say you encounter a dragon only once in a lifetime." She titters.

"A human?" Daran repeats and laughs heartily.

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