Cat 08/05/2024 (Mon) 04:32 No.5212 del
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Cat intensely not-listens to the conversation observing the birds in the sky. She respects elders and power and Yulya and won't act out her emotions on those elves. Better than humans. No elf has ever attacked or enslaved the Tabaxi. But that's about it. They are as arrogantly looking down on others as human nobles.

Cat still patiently waits for her cider and perhaps some useful gift. Her ears pick up anything dragon-related though she doesn't understand much of the formal conversation. But enough to grasp an ice-dragon is causing the cold.

From Cat's seat across the table she can see Ashley and Alice mess with the sheep and wishes she was there. Cat's eyes dart between her still empty goblet and the girls having fun with the sheep. Her tail sways back and forth more and more with each minute...