Yakumo 04/27/2023 (Thu) 11:10 No.526 del
(109.03 KB 1200x675 shrews.jpeg)
Great, I bet that's one of those guns we can't have in Germany for 'reasons'.

No good dreams here or at least I forgot most.
I was in a labratory and there was a huge glass terrarium filled to the brim with mice or lab rats. Someone said they were mice but they were bigger and looked more like gerbils. A swirling mass of rodents. Most brown, some white. As part of the experiment suddenly all mice stopped, then started to move in sync like some superorganism. They formed a large 'snake' made of mice which moved in an undulating way, then exuded some sort of spiderweb or silk to cocoon itself. Really creepy and no tupper in sight to end it all.