>>5466 >Cat enters RAGE and uses FELINE AGILITY to attack goblin 4 and 3 with her great sword
[1d20+7=27 CRIT!, 17][(2d6+5+2)x2+2d6+3+2=36 damage!]Both goblins are cut in two by the slice of this blow, they both perish instantly.
I should mention your claws have a lot of benefits for attacking multiple creatures Nick, Graze, Critical bonuses as well, keep that in mind.
>>5470 >Alice moves the 40ft N and shoots goblin #6 with her bow
Alice moves 40ft North looking for a clean shot but the best she can do is fire at Goblin #5 with 75% cover, giving the Goblin effectively AC20 [1d20+5=9]The arrow sticks into the tree.
Goblin 6 fled the field North, there is no clear shot and you can't find them.
>>5473 Yulya casts SACRED FLAME on the vile creatureSince Goblin 5 is not hidden well, you can see them.