Anonymous 05/05/2023 (Fri) 10:11 No.603 del
first good dream after all this shit well semigood

went home from work and my neighborhood had completely changed there was an entire new built district right around the bloc. i thought that was cool and went to explore it. there was a small food truck parked near the road whcih was selling potatos in bulk and an old lady approached me and complained the potato seller was closed. she seemed lonely and just wanted to chat. i pointed her to a large lidl supermarket in the distance but she didnt wanna go there. went along the road and now was inside a huge shopping center with cinemas and stuff. i tried to turn left so i would make a round and eventually get back home but it went straight on forever so i turned around to go the same way back. at a fruit shop a girl with a very short white dress with flowers on it started flirting to me. she had brown hair in a ponytail and looked she was pregnant. looked like a slut too and i was like outta the way bitch i gotta buy cucumbers and got two cucumbers. took me a moment to realize wtf i was doing am i an idiot? because dream the girl was gone and there i was standing with two cucumbers in my hand. oh well. drifted back into the dream nd did not pursue any girls but wanted to go back home. at least i knew i didn't need cucumbers. so i tossed the cucumbers back to the shopkeeper which was an old black man. he nicely caught them, we fistbumped and i went on. in a residential area i finally could turn left but there was a huge black dog which was standing on a meadow. noticed this was a house entrance and not the right way. so i went traight on. now deep back in dream mode i concluded this whole area was a nice new neighborhood gotta go there more often. it was beautiful summer night but suddenly there was snow and the dog who had followed me was now rolling around in the snow on its back in the middle of the road. that was too much and i woke up.

well shit still no girls for me but my fault this time.