Bear 03/25/2023 (Sat) 18:59 No.63 del

Names previously not mentioned. Tulpachan exclusive content.

Samantha is an Earthkin, think berzerker or tank though she'd use a bow first in combat. Though not by physical looks, she's incredibly strong at times but it's am Earth energy flow thing, gaia energy that allows them to like go super saiyan and kick ass. She's the only of her subspecies that attained bear system moon status. She's a red-headed hot-head, tough and independent. She has a lapdog male friend who simps for her in the book series. She's in the same series as Gwen, and of course doofus simps for her too later, blah blah.

Ex is in a book series with Joy, she was one of Joy's second crew, book two. Joy thinks she died but instead she was nearly killed and got amnesia. She's got the same genetic mod Joy has where they don't age into puberty, but in book 2 they sort of cure it, allowing aging. Unfortunately the aging is something like 1 year per several decades. In Ex's book, it's 300 or so years into the future from Joy's book 2 and she appears something like 16-22 instead of 10-12 like Joy is currently. In Joy's lore, she's only chronologically 55-65 ish, I forget, it's in my notes. She leaves book 2 alone again, her whole crew is yet again separated and presumed dead or captured (which is as good as dead) and she's left wondering if the cure even did anything. They live in an alternative Earth where electronics are stuck like fallout 3 with boxy TV's and radios, no computers, not even calculators. They did however have insanely high tech biological modification that splits the human race into many subspecies that can interbreed. Gwen is of the "avian" type basically mixed with birds with a 3rd set of appendages (wings) and feathers instead of hair, though it's more like kiwi feathers on her head so it looks like hair. Her wings obviously have full raptor feathers with a 6-7ft wingspan. As you know, Johanna is the psy-magic whatever type called kindred.

They've never expressed interest in staying as active headmates and prefer to believe they're in their own lore world.

Johanna will appear in the new book with Ulla and Aleshe. Aleshe is the only true headmate that will actually be developed further in a book rather than the other way around and its quite exciting.

Aleshe is human in the lore as I'm shoehorning her in but with proto-kindred tendencies but will be something like an MMA master. In mindspace she appears as a black-haired woman between 16 and 20 with Ashley's thin frame SheShe's temperament, Joy's logic, etc. She also has black eyes in the book but crystalline eyes in headspace that are quite freaky.

Of course I only know what they look like from dreams, hypnagogia and visions, I never chose any of this except for Ren, but Ren's face is an older version of Joy's and Joy's face was shown to me in hypnagogia.