Bear 05/27/2023 (Sat) 22:02 No.834 del

No I wouldn't have chosen to walk a full marathon in 3 days by choice. No I didn't train for that. Yes I was sore, but it was ok. Yes my friends all were babies and had issues. I ended up rubbing feet etc.

They didn't tell me where we were going. It wasn't about hiking, but a lot of walking was involved. It was a resort hotel with a huge resort next door. If you could put everything together from that you might have figured out where we were.

I want to draw a picture of the experience but I probably won't have time.

I do like hiking and walking, I just hate spending 10x more for the normal things you need to live inside a resort though. I would have preferred Yellowstone or Yosemite but they're crowded too it's stupid.

I'll try to commemorate the experience in an Alice quality picture.