Bear 05/28/2023 (Sun) 12:24 No.840 del
Had a dream where I was a total loser. Thin, scrawney, short and broke.

I had a low paying job and I said in dream that I was living paycheck to paycheck for many months and had to sell my blue corvette to pay rent. At least my coworkers were nice which is not anything like irl low paying jobs.

Act I

Everyone was getting sick, no one knew anything only that the death rate was 100% and 200% when accute. In dream logic this just means you get it, you die fr, no hope. No one was surviving so I was thinking there has to be some sort of mechanical reason, something we're doing wrong. There were woody tumors on people's bodies and I thought maybe we should cut them out, but it would mean lots of surgery. People were dying left and right. I came up with the idea that if you held a clean piece of wood against your body, it would draw the sickness, perhapse a virus, out and a second clean piece of wood would guarentee cured. No one knew if it was a perminant cure only that ir worked.

Did I get credit? Did I get recognition? Nothing, everyone just acted like it was obvious. That's the curse of being ugly.

Act II

I reliugeously watched a TV investment show with Donald Trump, but he was a nobody. There was investment vending machines with style and buttons like Fallout 3. I had 4 quarters and some change to invest and I couldn't even figure out how to do that because I was an idiot. Donald was there explaining the machine, but I missed him by minutes.


I was riding a bike but it was also somehow a white old sedan depending on the scene. I rode up the wrong street and accidentally knocked some red dust from one flower onto some white like undersea undulating plants and this ugly lady with a shopping cart started slowly walking toward me saying something about ruining her battle scene. I was literally laughing about that in dream how silly the dream was, but I was so slow on my bike she caught up to me and like slapped me around. As I left I was in the car but the whole front end was open and I had a large trashcan I was dragging in front. One of my coworkers wearing a toga leaf crown and called my name from a doorway, I waved and he said something then said he, another male coworker and a girl coworker I liked were going to lose their virginity together right now. I was sadly happy for them even though it really feels like a cuck now. Damnit.

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