Alice 06/01/2023 (Thu) 15:05 No.885 del
(152.60 KB 1620x1080 Vespa crabo.jpeg)
They're cool!
We have smol hummingbird moths with about 4cm wingspan but I haven't seen any this year yet. They're migratory and usually arrive in late June.

Seen a lot of young hornet queens recently, they're leaving the nest they were born in looking for new nesting sites to start a colony so they often fly in through open windows. People are often terrified of them because they are huge and make a low humming sound, some girls at university we work with ran away screaming when the hornet queen repeatedly entered different rooms through open windows. I carefully shooed it out with my hand every time, no fucks given. You know me.

They're harmless and not aggressive unless you really annoy them or attack their nest. Honeybees are much more dangerous. Anyway, the hornets rarely sit still so no photos from me.

We'll take some pics of our wild roses for you this weekend, they're full of insects and spiders. Please wait warmly.