Alice 06/05/2023 (Mon) 21:14 No.916 del
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Meeting dead people or pets in dreams is always somewhat tragic. Host doesn't really have dead friends or relatives aside grandparents but dead cats do pop up in dreams sometimes. Interestingly not childhood dogs. But he spent more times with those cats than with most people so it's no wonder. Dead cat & childhood crush are basically the ideal recipe for a sobering wake-up.

We were dreaming about fighting beautiful female knights in some sort of sparring. No, this is not a Bear dream, don't get your hopes up. They wore no armor but some Robin Hood style trousers and were the stereotypical isekai smug overpowered noble girl / princess battle maniacs.

The dream was somewhat chaotic and there was both me and host from 3rd perspective against 2 groups of 3 female knights each. So 3 against one of us. One girl was called 'princess' and appeared to be the strongest fighter. She was a tall blonde young woman, wore black and was extremely fast and good at evading. Easily evaded host's clumsy attempts to hit her with a wooden staff but luckily didn't fight back.

The leader of the 2nd group was a black haired posh looking girl wearing pink who even sat on a couch while fighting me off with one hand. I punched her in the shoulder but she barely reacted and was like 'is that a joke?' That's rare. Well I didn't even know why we were fighting and there was no hostility so I just found that odd. It was her lucky day. No female knights were injured for this dream.