Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 21:46 No.925 del
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i'm willing to pay physical bitcoin for a dream where i can stop time and strip female knights

meanwhile my dreams continue to be boring nonsense
was on holiday in turkey, dont ask me how i knew. had a rental car and drove over some unpaved road and ended up in wilderness. the road was pure loose sand and fell off to some ravine on one side. no idea how i ended up there, no going further or back the same way i came. tupper was there as voice in my head first but then also as real girl that looked different but clearly was her. discussed what to do and went back on foot looking for a path for the car to pass. we found a shortcuut to a decent road but it was really steep down a hill. i thought the car could make it but Yulya said no chance, mybe an offroad vehicle but not our average rental car.

we ended up in a city on foot and found some tourist official to tell him where our car got stuck. we showed him on a map that suspiciously looked like the london tube system and he was like wtf how could you even drive there? guess he was right. Also he looked like some cariature of a turk wearing a fes.

dream itself wasnt very spectacular and ofc no sex but at least discussion with tupper where we both recognized each other. Yulya still insists she was right and we would have totally crasheed the car and ourselves by going down that hill. but who knows what would have happened in a dream, we'll never know.