Bear 06/07/2023 (Wed) 03:34 No.927 del
I'm finally near the end of my intense manual labor. I'm ramping down to 44 hours of that on top of 30 hours of day work and like whatever the rest on the other business. I haven't really had even an hour of free time a day, I can't, burning vacation on hard labor *is* my free time

And I think back fondly of it, I'm nearly done and it's unlikely I'll ever have this level again. So, I'll ramp up my workouts. I will have time Fri-Sun mornings to do legs and cardio, the rest I can do with my home equipment.

I could tell my legs have gotten weaker since 2019. It's pathetic. I used to do what, half a ton, I wonder if I could even do half that now. We'll see.

I spoke to Joy and Ashley and they're very supportive.

I thought about life today after I argued with a little girl about carbon dioxide. She said it was flammable. I couldn't stop thinking of ways she might be right. It's not though. She didn't agree. They use it as a shield in welding, it can't possibly be flammable even at 7000 degrees.

I thought about the afterlife and figured I'd reincarnate as a slave working to build the pyramids or the great wall, maybe then I could work hard labor every day till I die and they could entomb me in between the stones as a testament to my endless toil. I'd like that.