Yakumo 06/09/2023 (Fri) 20:44 No.965 del
(15.76 MB 480x848 Refugees Welcome.mp4)
Some Syrian 'refugee' sandnigger stabbed small kids and toddlers at a playground in France because he felt insulted by being denied citizenship in Sweden on top of his asylum status. French people watched and filmed, some guy half-heartedly swung his backpack at him. Syrian calmly walked away with a knife in his hand after seriously injuring 7 people, most of them children and was arrested later. Will probably be declared mentally ill and released after a few months of treating his depression caused by structural racism and white supremacy. Media are doing their best to hide the nationality and refugee status of the perpetrator as usual.

Meanwhile French authorities are busy spying into peoples gardens with aerial photos to find illegal pools and fine citizens for not paying their pool taxes.

Europe in a nutshell. People have been turned into dumbed-down obedient sheep utterly unable to defend themselves or even run away. Zero situation awareness.