Bear 06/10/2023 (Sat) 01:07 No.971 del

Call 911 then grab a cane, umbrella, hammer, large branch, anything and draw his attention. If that asshole came to me with a knife, one of us is gonna die and it's justified. If I get that knife, he's gonna get a new hole in his trachea.

I'll take a stab for the kids, no hesitation. However if any of my friends are there, my first priority is to get us out of there. And if anyone is filming it I'll cuss them out as we run.

Man I would fucking love to kill that bitch and get away with it. Then when the news shows up, I'll cuss them all out too. I'll make their little sound bite so riddled with expletives they won't be able to use the audio. Gtfo you assholes are part of the problem.

If dude's got a gun, well imma run. Bye Felicia.