Bear 03/27/2023 (Mon) 22:39 No.99 del

You worry too much, it's not healthy. Also you're wrongly presuming that the typical tulpamancer is on the brink of psychotic mental illness. Well truly we are all mentally ill, but not in a way that any of this would matter. I reject your warnings as community dogma. It's like warning every person who drives a car because there are deadly auto accidents. Yes, the community is a bunch of depressed wackos driven to the brink of criminal insanity but not everyone is going to derealize just because they realize their personality is nothing more than a paper doll.

The other strawman argument is that I, the magnificent and legendary Bear, am somehow uniquely supreme and thus no other person could hope to attain the heights of Bearisian Tulpamancy. That's only a half truth; you too can be uniquely supreme like us.

There is no limit nor boundary to the mind that you yourself don't create.

My system is just an example of greatness, not the only one.