Tamamo 06/12/2023 (Mon) 10:28 No.997 del
No offense Bear, I agree but you sound like one of those rich guys being all 'money isn't important'. Ofc not if you have so much it doesn't matter and the opportunity to just make more even if you lose it.

I always make fun of Bernd for being Bernd but if you think about it it must be hell.
>most hated minority in the world
>no lobby
>criminal for how you feel
>have to live in secrecy
>society basically wants you dead
>no chance for love, romance, friendhip let alone sex with who you like ever

And then you're told 'you have attachments bro, better luck next life bro'. Even I'd be mad if you told me that.

Be honest Bear are you really the lvl99 fool who'd say whatever and live on happily if you woke up in a world where only being homo is allowed and you never could interact with any women ever again without becoming the worst imaginable criminal? Wait, you could still rape them in lucid dreams that's a cheat skill!

Just saying I'm not a chick magnet but I sure as hell glad I'm not as fucked as our German frien here. At least you have Alice, man!