Anonymous 04/11/2020 (Sat) 08:22:06 No.12112 del
Latest bug: Your stamina starts dropping to zero, recovering, then dropping to zero again even though you are doing nothing but standing still with no debuffs on you. It don't seem to handle out-of-order UDP packets, so you can receive packets from out of the blue related to previous activities like running that drains your stamina even though that's not currently what you're doing.

The load screen bug has been around for years. Here's their "main thread" on it. I guess the developers are still trying to find it. Maybe a youtube channel featuring thousands of viewer-submitted videos of coming out of two-minute load screens to find yourself dead on the floor would help them find it.

Don't start playing this game. It's beautiful and the game design is superb, but it's far too buggy to be worth it. You will end up frustrated and regretting it if you start playing ESO and get into it.