Anonymous 01/14/2016 (Thu) 09:14:57 No. 36 del
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>thanks to the rise of fiction back in the middle of the century. Certain things were pretty much ingrained in fans of sci-fi literature.

I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately. We see a lot of terrible fantasy and sci-fi being pushed these days, and a lot of people who are devoid of creativity inserting pop-culture references and meemees into their own artistic works. I wonder to what extent this is due to frames of reference changing. The best fiction authors were invariably well-versed in classic literature; whereas a lot of folk now seem to only to be capable of drawing on other aspects of pop-culture, so we're getting a steady degradation of quality.

I know, I know: shit writers and shit fiction have always been around. But it's been something that's been playing on my mind lately.

>music on PC sounds much grander and disquieting, almost orchestral sometimes, even. But, unfortunately, at the same time it sounds "dirtier" and there are artifacts at some points (resets after credits and intro are the prime examples).

Amiga stuff almost always sounds dirtier to me, so this is a bit surprising. I'll have to give them a good comparative listen.