Anonymous 02/04/2016 (Thu) 10:33:21 No. 54 del
(308.14 KB 1417x709 nagash 4.jpg)
>Do you find yourself putting much time into HoMM3?
I tired several times in the last 5 years or so, but I just can't do it any more. Played it a lot with a bunch of pals (mostly hot seat) from somewhere in 2002 to 2006. We mostly played WoG v3.56 and later v3.57. I think I overdosed really hard.

>I say "level up" and not "grind", because it doesn't actually feel like a chore until you've got the full compliment of magic and weapons (and even then you're pulling off so much cool shit it doesn't matter).
That's good. Finally got around to E.Y.E., it exhibits some of the worst MMO-like qualities in that regard.