Anonymous 03/13/2016 (Sun) 05:25:33 No. 279 del
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The first postal is a straight up rampage, and after getting used to the tank controls it is very playable.

Apparently you can be a mean fucker in that Teaching Feeling VN.

Stronghold gives the option to torture peasants to instill fear amongst your population, which permits higher taxes or something along those lines, I don't remember

You play as Murder Dog representing himself in front of the court in Murder Dog IV.

If descriptions are something to go by, Drakengard has you play as the ultimate douchebag/killer in the entire game and solve everything by killing people regardless of the necessity to do it. (3rd) pic slightly unrelated.

In Unreal Tournament98 you always play as an asshole, given that you do not choose to play as a Nali, Nali Warcow or an android