百合 03/02/2024 (Sat) 05:07 Id: df80d1 No.225286 del
How to make carrots? Do carrots grow from seeds?


Carrots indeed grow from seeds, and cultivating them can be a rewarding gardening project. Here's a simple guide on how to grow carrots:

### 1. Choose a Variety

First, select a carrot variety that suits your climate and soil type. There are many types, from small round carrots to long and slender ones. Some popular varieties include 'Nantes,' 'Danvers,' and 'Imperator.'

### 2. Prepare the Soil

Carrots prefer loose, sandy soil that allows for deep root growth. If your soil is heavy or clay-like, consider raising beds or mixing in plenty of organic matter to improve texture and drainage.

- Location: Choose a spot that receives full sunlight.

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