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Welcome to hate jews /news/
The news nobody reads because they'd rather let jews lie to them
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What Is REALLY Behind The New Tik Tok Ban? Reader 03/14/2024 (Thu) 15:42 Id: ce97d7 [Preview] No. 22343 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What Is REALLY Behind The New Tik Tok Ban?

TikTok has 103 million monthly active users in the US. More than 1/3 (37.36%) of mobile internet users actively engage with TikTok.

Half of TikTok’s US users are between the age of 10 and 29, with teens making up the bulk of the user base. Over 50% of content creators are between 18 and 24 years old.

From October 23-30, 2023, posts with the #standwithPalestine were posted 10x more than posts with the #standwithIsrael. Posts with the #standwithPalestine also received 5x as many views.

When TikTok was accused of deliberately pushing Pro-Palestinian content, they denied the claim and made it clear that the algorithm pushes whatever people engage with.

Jonathan Greenblatt, the director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which is an extremely powerful Jewish-Zionist organization that has often targeted free speech, was very worried by this.

Seeing Gen Z in the US overwhelmingly support Palestine in the face of Israeli aggression, TERRIFIED him.

Is it such a coincidence that today the ‘TikTok Ban Bill’ passes after MONTHS of congress pushing for it so heavily?

They are demanding that the Chinese company ‘ByteDance’ sell the platform if the app wants to remain in the US.

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Reader 03/14/2024 (Thu) 15:42 Id: ce97d7 [Preview] No.22344 del
Prior to the vote, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) took to the floor to rail against the bill, saying that "there's some of us who feel that - intentionally, or unintentionally - this legislation to ban TikTok is actually a trojan horse."

"Some of us are concerned that there are First Amendment implications here. Americans have the right to view information, and don't need to be protected by the government from information."

The bill also has the support of President Biden, who said "I'll sign it" if Congress puts it on his desk.

Expanding on this was The Federalist's Sean Davis, who wrote in a lengthy post on X: https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1767719695250080157

Deep State toadies are taking advantage of anti-China sentiment to transfer TikTok’s surveillance apparatus from China’s evil surveillance state to the U.S. government’s evil surveillance state.

TikTok isn’t going to be banned, because neither the CCP-run Chinese government nor the CCP-owned U.S. government wants to lose such a valuable tool for spying on Americans and poisoning the minds of their children. Instead, the corrupt U.S. intelligence bureaucracy wants control of TikTok, which is why it included the divestment mandate.

Only a handful of U.S. companies are capable of buying and managing TikTok, and they already function as appendages of the Deep State surveillance apparatus.

It’s not that the U.S. government wants to protect you from spying and data theft and manipulation. If only. No, the people behind the Russian collusion hoax, and the Kavanaugh hoax, and the natural origin COVID hoax, and the illegal warrantless spying, and the forced transing of your children — they want to be the ones spying on you and stealing your data and poisoning the minds of your children.

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Uh Oh! West Point Makes It Clear They NO Longer Intend To Defend America Reader 03/14/2024 (Thu) 09:20 Id: 65e03a [Preview] No. 22341 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Uh Oh! West Point Makes It Clear They NO Longer Intend To Defend America

West Point has removed the words ‘duty, honor, country’ from its mission statement, replacing them with the more generic words ‘Army values.’

This change comes amid the worst military recruiting problem in the United States in years. Does anyone in military leadership think this will help with that issue?

This will also do nothing to quiet the idea that the military has gone ‘woke.’

West Point Superintendent Army Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland on Monday announced a new mission statement for the venerable institution that replaces the words “duty, honor, country” for the more generic “Army values.”

The West Point’s previous long-lasting mission statement was:

“To educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army.”

The hollowing of our military is progressing at breakneck speed. West Point is removing “Duty, Honor, Country” from its motto. Would you send your sons and daughters to West Point now?

It seems West Point is announcing they’ve gone full bolshevik/globalist. Purposely tanking recruitment of young Americans to make room for the illegal mercenaries who would be more willing to backstab the country and it's citizen population.

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U.S. airman set himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in D.C. Reader 02/26/2024 (Mon) 11:45 Id: 9b2cbf [Preview] No. 22165 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>A U.S. service member was in critical condition after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, authorities said.

>A video posted online showed a man shouting "Free Palestine" as he burned during the incident, which lasted about a minute before law enforcement officers extinguished the flames about 1pm.

>The man appeared to be in military uniform and identified himself as "an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force." Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek confirmed via email Sunday evening that "an active duty Airman was involved in today's incident."

>The man said in the video he would "no longer be complicit in genocide," which the Israeli military was accused of committing in Gaza in an International Court of Justice case brought by South Africa. "I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest."

>The airman, whom officials had not publicly identified, was transported with "critical life threatening injuries to an area hospital," D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department said in a post to X.

39 posts and 49 images omitted.

Reader 03/05/2024 (Tue) 14:53 Id: 03587f [Preview] No.22313 del
Consider also the Balfour Declaration (1917), preceding the Haavara Agreement (1933)
Both must be reverted.

Reader 03/05/2024 (Tue) 15:01 Id: 03587f [Preview] No.22314 del
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A better quality version

Reader 03/12/2024 (Tue) 02:05 Id: 2b020a [Preview] No.22332 del
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Few more random stuff about this.
See you burning cowboy.

Reader 03/12/2024 (Tue) 03:24 Id: 61dc76 [Preview] No.22333 del
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So let us follow jew logic for a minute here
1) Jews are committing genocide towards Palestinians
2) Jews claim they were genocided by the Third Reich (a lie anyway but regardless)
3) Disliking genocide is equal to hating jews
Revulsion towards the jewish holocaust story must be anti semitic. You know. Like how Palestinians are semitic but they hate them so much they're massacring them. Well. The only way to end anti semitism seems to be by nuking Israel

Reader 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:44 Id: 61dc76 [Preview] No.22337 del
I find it funny the following act made people mad.
Fuck cuck Balfour.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=bedOEhF31ko [Embed]

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Biden Regime Preparing for Massive Surge of Haitian Niggers Reader 03/13/2024 (Wed) 05:54 Id: 0f5dfa [Preview] No. 22336 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Due to the ongoing chaos in Haiti, the Biden regime is anticipating the arrival of many Haitian savages flooding into America. In other words, we should expect to see lots of violent cannibal niggers trying to reach the United States by land and sea. Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned. (See >>22334 different OP than me) This effectively leaves the Barbeque guy in charge of the country.

Here is video of a Haitian cannibal nigger boiling human body parts.

That’s some real vibrancy and enrichment for sure.

I personally believe that a massive surge in black cannibal niggers coming to the US represents a grave threat to national security. Not quite as grave as the threat of an American citizen carrying a large unauthorized tube of toothpaste through a TSA security checkpoint, but it is certainly right up there.


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Haiti’s Leader Resigns As Gangs Run Rampant Through Country Engulfed In Crisis Reader 03/12/2024 (Tue) 15:20 Id: 11354e [Preview] No. 22334 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Haiti’s Leader Resigns As Gangs Run Rampant Through Country Engulfed In Crisis

The embattled prime minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, has resigned after weeks of mounting chaos in the Caribbean nation, where gangs have been attacking government structures and social order is on the brink of collapse.

Henry said in a video address late Monday that his government would leave power after the establishment of a transitional council, adding, “Haiti needs peace. Haiti needs stability.”

“My government will leave immediately after the inauguration of the council. We will be a caretaker government until they name a prime minister and a new cabinet,” Henry said.

Henry’s adviser Jean Junior Joseph told CNN that Henry would remain in his role until the formation of a new interim government.

The Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), meeting in Jamaica on Monday said it had agreed to set up a transitional council to lay the foundations for elections in Haiti.

“We are pleased to announce the commitment to transitional governance arrangement which paves the way for a peaceful transition of power, continuity of governance and action plan for near-term security and the road to free and fair elections. It further seeks to assure that Haiti will be governed by the rule of law,” said Guyana leader and CARICOM Chairman Irfaan Ali in a news conference, flanked by other Caribbean leaders.

When the worst of the violence erupted last week, Henry was in Kenya to sign an agreement to send 1,000 Kenyan police officers to the Caribbean nation to restore the security situation of which his government has lost control.

He was unable to return to Haiti as the security situation deteriorated around the airport in the capital, Port-au-Prince. A plan to travel via the neighboring Dominican Republic was abandoned after the government there refused permission for his plane to land. He has been in the US territory of Puerto Rico since last week.

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Reader 03/13/2024 (Wed) 05:44 Id: 9f4248 [Preview] No.22335 del
>$300 million to the Kenyan-led multinational security mission
>$33 million in “humanitarian assistance”
Yet nothing for the citizens which the United States government is supposed to be there for. This is where our taxes go.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TMHCw3RqulY [Embed]

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Israel Threatens To Arm Ukraine While Russia Threatens To Arm Syria Reader 03/08/2024 (Fri) 11:03 Id: 8e30c9 [Preview] No. 22325 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Israel Threatens To Arm Ukraine While Russia Threatens To Arm Syria

Israel isn't planning to send early warning systems to Ukraine out of solidarity but is really trying to curry more favor with the US as its war with Hamas reaches the endgame, though Tel Aviv is disguising its true intentions as a signal of displeasure with Moscow's balancing act between Israel and Hamas.

Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN announced late last month that his country is “working to provide Ukraine with early warning systems”, which was followed by a hardline lawmaker promising that “Israel will take a more aggressive stance against Russia.” This came after the new Israeli Ambassador to Russia caused a scandal in early February by misportraying Russia’s regional policy, which readers can learn more about in this analysis here that hyperlinks to nearly two dozen relevant pieces about it.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted to this development by lamenting “The fact that people in the region, especially Israeli politicians, perceive and follow the path imposed on them by the 'exceptionalists' - the US”, which has “exacerbated and brought closer this catastrophic situation in the region, given it an eerie momentum, provoked it.” Although Israel is still legally considered a “friendly” country by Russia, that could soon change depending on what it does.

So long as it refrains from sending offensive arms, however, then it might not make that list. Even if it does, then Russia might still keep it off of there for now in order to explore whether diplomacy can result in reaching a “new normal” between them before tensions spiral out of control, similar in spirit to why Russia didn’t designate Turkiye despite it sending Ukraine attack drones. Relations with Ankara remained manageable and mutually beneficial for the most part so ties with Tel Aviv might end up the same way.

Nevertheless, this shift in Israel’s approach towards NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine – which is already an undeclared but limited hot war after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz inadvertently revealed that Western troops are secretly on the ground there – isn’t being done out of solidarity with Kiev. Rather, it superficially appears to due to Israel’s displeasure with Russia’s balancing act between it and Hamas but is really an attempt by Tel Aviv to curry favor with Washington as its war with Hamas reaches the endgame.


Reader 03/08/2024 (Fri) 11:04 Id: 8e30c9 [Preview] No.22326 del
Any significant Israeli-backed improvement of Ukraine’s air defense capabilities could lead to a symmetrical Russian-backed improvement of Syria’s, though this analysis here argues that Moscow won’t risk a wider war to stop Tel Aviv’s increasingly frequent strikes against Damascus. At any rate, these two might slip into a dangerous security dilemma since each might accuse the other of obstructing their strikes against what they consider to be legitimate military targets in those neighboring nations.

The consequences could see Russia and Israel ramping up their respective strikes in Ukraine and Syria so as to more effectively break through these new defenses there. That won’t change the military-strategic dynamics of the Ukrainian Conflict but could risk a worsening of the West Asian Crisis if Iran feels comfortable enough to attack Israel from Syria under its host’s Russian-supplied umbrella. In that event, Israel could either react with a ground operation or might even launch one preemptively.

From Bibi’s self-interested political perspective, widening the war to Syria in any ground or special forces capacity could perpetuate the West Asian Crisis to his domestic and international benefit. On the home front, he’ll likely be able to exploit that move to remain in power and avoid (possibly politically driven) corruption charges, while the foreign one could see the US alleviating potentially impending Color Revolution pressure upon him due to Israel more directly containing Iran in Syria per their joint interests.

It's unclear whether he’s gamed everything out this far, and even if he did, it can’t be taken for granted that events will evolve in that direction and not be offset by some hitherto unpredictable variables.


Reader 03/09/2024 (Sat) 06:57 Id: 146a14 [Preview] No.22331 del
If Jewtin had any balls, he would attack Israel over this obvious declaration of war. Too bad he's surrounded with wealthy jewish oligarchs.

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THE REAL STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS Reader 03/08/2024 (Fri) 20:19 Id: b347fe [Preview] No. 22330 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Here is a real State of Union address by a military official who has served our country - Colonel Douglas Macgregor - who is not afraid to speak truth to power, addresses real issues and problems with honesty and integrity, putting the blame where it belongs: corrupt politicians and an out-of-control insolvent bureaucratic government. Everything you need to know about the state of the nation today is addressed. God bless those who speak truth to power.

MIRROR 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/seX645i1VnCv/ [Embed]

MIRROR 2: https://www.brighteon.com/f38a2ae1-e18f-4542-a7aa-82ec2b350f4c

MAYBE HERE FOR NOW: https://youtube.com/watch?v=7SW3IbcH40c [Embed]

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Govt-funded Big Tech AI To Censor Users Who Read Primary News Sources Reader 03/08/2024 (Fri) 11:33 Id: 356775 [Preview] No. 22327 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Govt-funded Big Tech AI To Censor Users Who Read Primary News Sources

NewsGuard announced last week it’s using AI to automatically prevent American citizens from seeing information online that challenges government and corporate media claims about elections ahead of the 2024 voting season.

“Platforms and search engines” including Microsoft’s Bing use NewsGuard’s “ratings” to stop people from seeing disfavored information sources, information, and topics in their social media feeds and online searches. Now censorship is being deployed not only by humans but also by automated computer code, rapidly raising an Iron Curtain around internet speech.

Just another reason not to use anything provided by Google or Microsoft: https://www.privacytools.io/

Newsguard rates The Federalist as a “maximum” risk for publishing Democrat-disapproved information, even though The Federalist accurately reports major stories about which NewsGuard-approved outlets continually spread disinformation and misinformation. Those have already included the Russia-collusion hoax, the Brett Kavanaugh rape hoax, numerous Covid-19 narratives, the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the deadly 2020 George Floyd riots.

NewsGuard directs online ad dollars to corporate leftist outlets and away from independent, real news outlets. The organization received federal funding for developing these internet censorship tools that now include artificial intelligence.

“The purpose of these taxpayer-funded projects is to develop artificial intelligence (AI)-powered censorship and propaganda tools that can be used by governments and Big Tech to shape public opinion by restricting certain viewpoints or promoting others,” says a recent congressional report about AI censorship. These “…projects threaten to help create a censorship regime that could significantly impede the fundamental First Amendment rights of millions of Americans, and potentially do so in a manner that is instantaneous and largely invisible to its victims.”

Numerous federal agencies are funding AI censorship tools, including the U.S. Department of State, the subject of a December lawsuit from The Federalist, The Daily Wire, and the state of Texas. The report last month from the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government reveals shocking details about censorship tools funded by the National Science Foundation, one of hundreds of federal agencies.


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Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: If Americans Want To End War, Vote For Donald Trump Reader 03/03/2024 (Sun) 21:12 Id: 5089df [Preview] No. 22298 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: If Americans Want To End War, Vote For Donald Trump

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán confirmed Friday that he will visit Donald Trump in Florida next week, and described a possible comeback by the former U.S. president as the “only serious chance” for an end to the war in Ukraine.

Addressing a diplomacy forum in Turkey, Orbán also suggested that Trump’s possible return to the White House could help end the conflict in Gaza.

Orban’s meeting with Trump comes as the former U.S. president seeks to turn his attention to his looming election rematch with U.S. President Joe Biden. Trump’s political standing within his own party seems stronger than ever, having easily won the early presidential Republican primary contests.

“The only serious chance for peace is if he’s able to come back and to make peace,” Orbán told the forum. “Otherwise, the war between Ukraine and Russia will be long."

Trump’s return “is a precondition for a strong and quick peace in the European continent,” he continued.

Orbán said he was convinced that if Trump had been in office when the war in Ukraine started “there would have been no war now.”

Commenting on the war in Gaza, the Hungarian prime minister said Trump had an “understanding” of the conflict.

“He did something which generated some hope,” Orbán said in reference to the Abraham accords that aimed to normalize ties between Israel and Gulf states.

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Reader 03/04/2024 (Mon) 12:48 Id: 9be17c [Preview] No.22303 del
>Israel never recognizes other people's genocides for they "cheapen" the holocaust
Well now, you said the magic word. That makes this link mandatory https://archive.is/bMyQK

Reader 03/04/2024 (Mon) 14:26 Id: 79ddc0 [Preview] No.22305 del
I don't think there are any world leaders today that do not meet with Jewish leaders at some point, with the exception of maybe Iran or Syria. Like it or not, Trump did a pretty decent job keeping America out of big conflicts. If he can do that, I'm all for it.

Reader 03/06/2024 (Wed) 08:13 Id: 9be17c [Preview] No.22317 del
If President again, he's going to do whatever pleases Netanyahu. Israelis were massacring Palestinians then too. Nobody cared until now because a reverse Uno happened when the IDF tried to publicize Hamas attacks to the world.

Reader 03/06/2024 (Wed) 11:39 Id: bb089f [Preview] No.22319 del
In the past weeks I heard these statements:
>I will end the war
>Trump will end the war
Hungarian state/Fidesz media:
>Trump will end support to Ukraine
To be honest this one is a quite different thing.

Reader 03/07/2024 (Thu) 08:18 Id: 271f69 [Preview] No.22324 del
Additional information: CPAC Hungary will be held on April 25-26.

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Horrible Omnibus Spending Bill Limits Food Production, Grants Open Border Amnesty Reader 03/06/2024 (Wed) 18:22 Id: 3beb31 [Preview] No. 22323 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Horrible Omnibus Spending Bill Limits Food Production, Grants Open Border Amnesty

Congress is looking to pass another Anti-American nightmare spending bill to further weaken and destabilize America, causing more rapid price inflation while granting millions of illegal aliens citizenship.

As a (much deserved!) partial 'government shutdown' looms, the House Freedom Caucus has called on Republicans to oppose the 'Swamp Omnibus' bill, criticizing it for containing a ridiculous amount of insanity and fraud.

"The House Freedom Caucus opposes the $1.65 trillion omnibus spending bill, which will be decided in two halves, the first being brought to the floor this week under suspension of the rules," Freedom Caucus wrote in a statement.

At this pace debt would hit $37 trillion by year-end and $40 trillion by the end. The debt insolvency is unsustainable for sure but it only gets much worse!

"In the #SwampOmnibus, the [House GOP] SURRENDERS key demands passed in House [appropriations] bills. "This means MORE ILLEGALS, LESS FREEDOM, & we've yet to see the bill that funds Radical Progressive Democrats' mass-release policies & NGO's behind it," Roy wrote on X.

He continued: "The #SwampOmnibus comes in the context of Congress blowing past BIPARTISAN SPENDING CAPS enacted last year… by $69 BILLION… funding mass-illegal alien releases & radical progressive Democrat-run government $30 billion MORE than Pelosi."

Despite the lack of earmarks for border security, the funding bill included a "GREEN agenda to limit beef production, and by the corporate meat oligopoly to DOMINATE small ranchers," Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) wrote on X.

Lobbyists got $15 million dollars to implement ELECTRONIC TRACKING of all cattle in the US. No law authorizes this! It will be used by the "GREEN" agenda to limit beef production, and by the corporate meat oligopoly to DESTROY small ranchers.

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