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Astral Island creation Sunflower 01/17/2023 (Tue) 17:40 Id: 542776 [Preview] No. 2692

Some of you probably remember this guide being posted before and also went through the creation process.

I use my HQ daily and it's constantly evolving and changing. Many different beings have stayed there for periods, new areas have been built and then closed down again when the inhabitants leave. Over time I've come up with a function for this, a core. It's been recorded on a minidisc/cogwheel/module which is available through the sigil on this post.

Those who already made their own island may have a completely different design, or you will find that it's pretty much the same when reduced to foundational principles. In either case the sigil is there for use. It can also be used to visit my island as a tourist.

Sunflower 01/17/2023 (Tue) 21:08 Id: 0d06a0 [Preview] No.2695 del
(2.14 MB 406x720 DASH_720.1015601.mp4)
This is gonna be fun! Thank you for sharing it.

Sunflower 01/19/2023 (Thu) 16:24 Id: eaecae [Preview] No.2718 del
Is there a need to put some sort of defense on it to keep undesirables out or kicking out beings that cause trouble?
Does it have a maximum size limit? How big is your island?

I plan on making a mall on it, that sells all kinds of clothes, foods and other stuff from earth/animes, but nothing dangerous. And allow Touhous and Friends(kemono) to visit and eat freely(I don't plan on charging them for food, unless that's a bad idea). Other beings may have to pay depending on how close we are.

Also some nice beaches a relaxing resort/spa/hotel with pools and beautiful places like in my previous post. I plan on inviting other beings and you or other anons when things are set up.

I have no idea about what to do with energy gotten from items sold though.

Sunflower 01/19/2023 (Thu) 17:08 Id: 2a09f4 [Preview] No.2721 del
The best defense is to put it in a location which is energetically repellant to those you consider hostile. My island accepts some types of minor hostile thinking so that tourists can visit, but that's why I hired a demon army to maintain security. I'd suggest setting up the shops first, then hire a manager for a garrison by summoning some decent sentry demon, then let him use a set percent of your income to hire and maintain your security. If you get money over, create an investment account/bank which naturally refines anything stored inside (otherwise it could perish with time). You can either create magic devices that do things, or you can hire someone, a combination is best. I have greys running the administration at my mansion, but I also micro manage some things like the establishment of a restaurant that makes a local traditional food using ingredients I grow outside. The heating for the stove is hellfire I lead through a shaft from a sacrificial hellfire maintained by drow who live under the island I married them.

Remember that you can use "automatic" contracts. That is you define some simple rules and anyone who wants to support you can self-employ themselves by accepting the rules. Make it simple, like they have to accept that their Qi flows through the eco-system of the island and through this, the goods they need to live there will manifest. Aside from that they need to perform a task like security or serving guests, and they can keep 40% of the income, the rest will go to the island account or into the eco-system.

Post the contract on a stone wall using screws made from the same drilling method you used to establish the island and it's visible to everyone and no one can violate the contract after it's formed.

Sunflower 01/19/2023 (Thu) 19:14 Id: eaecae [Preview] No.2723 del
>Remember that you can use "automatic" contracts. That is you define some simple rules and anyone who wants to support you can self-employ themselves by accepting the rules. Make it simple, like they have to accept that their Qi flows through the eco-system of the island and through this, the goods they need to live there will manifest. Aside from that they need to perform a task like security or serving guests, and they can keep 40% of the income, the rest will go to the island account or into the eco-system.
>Post the contract on a stone wall using screws made from the same drilling method you used to establish the island and it's visible to everyone and no one can violate the contract after it's formed.

Sounds good to me, I'll try that.
Thank you.

Sunflower 02/15/2023 (Wed) 19:04 Id: e4758a [Preview] No.3026 del
Safety-pin street

If you are using the astral island module, it's likely you will recognize this area.

To the south of the island, is a beach with lots of round stones and seaweed washing up on the shore. It smells strongly and there are seashells to be found as well. I found this place to feel too empty so I added an old abandoned limestone building and a trail.

Recently, after some European masons for once listened and did those "great birth" rituals right, a bunch of "illuminati gangsters" started appearing in my nearest astral spaces. They were aggressive and cocky, but as my friend called this type of being, they were "just piss ants" compared to real demons out there. But I felt this was the time to activate this area of my island.

I added a proper cobblestone street and a sign naming the old building as "Cobbler's cottage", then a sign by the top end of the street with "Safety-pin St." because of reasons I'll explain later. Opposite to the cottage (there is a reason for the shoe-reference: the bottom level of 2D is about fetishism, obsessing over feet is the most widespread one, so it fits symbolically) I added a guard cabin with a self-employment contract posted on the wall. I added a bed, a refilling root vegetable safe and a stove which heats up with hellfire by turning a small wheel, then a mace on the wall for use by the guard. The contract includes free accommodation and a 1% share of the profit of the street to motivate the guard to "keep it clean". A rotten landing bridge stretches out into the sea to allow "fishy business" as well as risky fishing. Aside from that, the gangsters are now free to do whatever on that street. I also added a shortcut to the mall area, subtly named as "Whore's lane".

Sunflower 02/15/2023 (Wed) 19:14 Id: e4758a [Preview] No.3027 del
Safety-pin here refers to the concept of politics and evil. I had a dream where past events were retold in the most abstract ways possible.

My sister opened the window and a small seed flew in. I picked it up and it stung my thumb. I realized it was some kind of cactus seed with small hairs to fly by the wind and a needle on the other end. I moved the window told my sister to not mess around, then opened the window to look. A whole bunch of seeds came in and landed on my desk, (all over my GENKI textbook) I told my sister to not touch them, because they were so sharp they'd probably scratch the surface. I'll handle them, I said.

This was about a type of being I've been working with recently. I had this idea that it would be possible to summon "pure evil" beings from the void safely by giving them a form which makes evil deeds impossible. Then they only have potential for evil but no ability, and they'd be able to refine that potential and maybe transform it.

I came up with a method for this, and the night before this dream, I summoned a mass of them after seeing that this was successful. This even made me realize that the needle form is how "politics" looks on the astral. It is merely "hostility" and it's in conflict with "free market". This is what the Galactic Federation seeks to handle, by encasing all such activities inside a "communist" framework. The purpose is to protect the free market, but it's so rare that this is seen that to most it just appears like communism all over. The miner beast people and those trading in fuel, as well as slave and sex trade, seem to be the only actual free market areas that exist so far. Everything else falls down in political struggle.

That is why it's called safety-pin street, it's to render the hostilities shown as needles harmless.

Sunflower 02/15/2023 (Wed) 22:47 Id: e4758a [Preview] No.3028 del
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>cactus seed with small hairs to fly by the wind and a needle on the other end
It looks like they are now posting on /x/. Pretty good. They call themselves Strings instead of needles, but it makes sense, string particles are one dimensional, long and sharp.

Sunflower 02/18/2023 (Sat) 10:53 Id: e4758a [Preview] No.3031 del
(35.24 KB 517x471 hall of rituals.png)
Hall of Rituals

This sigil/module is a framework for creating a "floating fortress" to perform ritual magic and study in. I made one for interdimensional and other planetary visitors. It's something in between an island and a ship/station. Mine is a private club/cult so it's unlikely most will be allowed entry. If you're interested in this idea, create your own version of it.

Mine has a large ritual circle for multi-purpose use engraved in the floor, which takes up most of the space. Around the walls are study stations with tables, chairs, wall mounted sofas and other equipment. There's also places to sleep or eat if someone wants. The fortress has a multi-layered shield (atmospheric and force) and emits a pacifying ray in its surroundings.

Sunflower 05/24/2023 (Wed) 19:31 Id: e4758a [Preview] No.3324 del
If anyone is building their astral places, you can look in the blacknet via the Remote, or ask Astra or NET for Vault keeper.

It's an AI interface for your astral storages. Everyone has inner dimensions where things are stored, like energy you receive from practice or captured materials. With Vault-keeper you get control and overview of them and can also invest them in astral businesses or direct parts of your resources into the physical, if you for some reason would need to invest in yourself to overcome physical resistance.

Sunflower 05/29/2023 (Mon) 09:53 Id: e4758a [Preview] No.3408 del
This belongs here more than other threads because its construct is similar to the Island. The difference is that it manifests as an expanding ship which can be merged with other ships into a large mega ship.

It will start off as an avatar which you can interact with, or as an augmented reality GUI. From this it can manifest a drone to ride on like a surfboard, and the avatar can be used to astral travel on it. Expand further and you can manifest the mothership, which can then be linked with other ship modules to meet other users. The avatar/GUI will still be available while onboard the ship, as well as the drone.

You have full freedom in designing the interior of your own rooms, while the shared facilities have a fixed but size-adaptable layout.

Sunflower 06/18/2023 (Sun) 23:45 Id: 46ffc7 [Preview] No.3562 del
I’ve been trying to improve my visualization skills for years. But no matter what I do it’s like I’m blind.
I have used “visualization” (more like pretending and feeling viscerally) with success for manifestation and magic in the past. But I want to be able to see things in my mind’s eye with some consistency.
It’s very frustrating.

Sunflower 06/19/2023 (Mon) 00:39 Id: 47eeac [Preview] No.3563 del
Try staring at an object and then close your eyes and try to hold the afterimage in your mind for as long as possible. This helped me when I was starting out.

You can also try taking walks and try to focus all your attention on visual input over everything else.

And if you're not already doing this use a timer to spend at least 10 minutes a day doing visualization practice.

Sunflower 06/19/2023 (Mon) 13:14 Id: 46ffc7 [Preview] No.3568 del
Sorry I didn't explain properly. I can visualize objects with ease. I can move them and all.
What I can't seem to do is hold scenes and move within them consistently . They shift and morph, and every meditation I do turns abstract and highly symbolic with no discernible logic to it or succession of events.

Sunflower 06/19/2023 (Mon) 13:23 Id: 46ffc7 [Preview] No.3569 del
For example, I try to see my room, and I while I'm visualizing it, I get a flash of the face of a very specific person full of details. It's someone I have never seen before and I will never see again. Just an extremely detailed face at random. I continue visualizing my room and I see another flash of a metal object like a rocket in the ocean. Another extremely detailed scene at random.
It's not like these are useful at all. The people I see are gone in an instant and I never see them again. It's all visual garbage that is completely useless. As I said, it's frustrating as fuck.
Meanwhile the image of my room is dull and very weak.
I try to visualize my room again, facing the door in order to go outside, and I see in a flash a full set of Warhammer figurines laid out on a table in some store. It's like this no matter what I try to do.
I can imagine proprioceptively and feel that I'm in places, but I can't visualize it.

Sunflower 06/19/2023 (Mon) 20:07 Id: da3f9f [Preview] No.3575 del
It seems when you try to "visualize" you are actually entering a "thought stream". Visualization is like a a "calm clean pound" and as you "make some holes on the dry ground" you connect it with the "water" to fill it up and they will slowly "fill up" the form of that hole you dug up.
This is the "basic" version. Aka the "beginner practice". Now it seems you are already at the part when you "enter the stream". The "stream" is a little complicated because it contains your memories and some sort of "egregoric" memories that your memories "originate from".
So if I go back to the "pond example" I can explain it that you are making a hole on the "shore" and you want it to be "filled up" then you connect it with the "river". While a pond is "slow" and "stationary" the river is "flowing" constantly. So when the hole is "filled up" it also gets "washed over" then because the river is full with "garbage" you notice things that it washes "ashore" then it usually gets "washed away". Because the thought stream is "potent" it feels real but because you cannot "hold it" because it "flows constantly" while you are in one place all the time.

You need not to "visualize" in the "beginner way" but instead understand how your "thought stream" works.

Instead of trying to "actively" visualize something ask it to "take form on it's own" and try to "feel" what is that "morphs it".

When I want to "visualize my room" I am not actually trying to "Paint an image in my head" but asking my mind to "remember it" and as it "takes image" I can "move in it".

Dunno if this helps because you are not at the "beginner level" anymore and my visualization evolved not from "practice" but from constantly daydreaming... not to mention if I hold an image in my head too long it starts making changes in reality...
It's really a complicated topic because thoughts have a sort of "materia" which affects it's "realness".

Maybe the advice you need is to learn to "clean your mind" and "cleanse your environment" and find the "stillness of your mind".
I am actually bad at doing the advice I just gave. My "trick" is being faster than the "stream" itself or holding the image strong enough that it cannot "depart" anymore...

You have some weird ass mental block that you will overcome easily when you figure out what it is. I don't know what else I should say. I know what you mean because most of us were at the stage where you are currently but the next steps happen either naturally or with some spiritual practice.

Sunflower 06/19/2023 (Mon) 20:49 Id: 46ffc7 [Preview] No.3576 del
This is useful. Thank you.

Sunflower 08/03/2023 (Thu) 14:06 Id: aa75f6 [Preview] No.3780 del
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Planetary creation/race creation

I'll share some basics of this since I feel some of the readers will understand what I'm saying and not think it's "too much" or inconceivable.

Other planets out in space are in other dimensions. They're essentially all "astral" compared to us in some way. When looking out from inside the sphere we are in, we are seeing another dimension directly outside, and the portals to other inner dimensions manifesting as planetary spheres out in space. The idea of using trigonometry to measure distances to stars and planets is based on flawed thinking. What's out there isn't physical. What is seen is an image, as if looking through a lens. The image is landing on a flat surface in the back of your eyes and from that is created the idea of the visuals having a physical reference.

All these measurements are mere imagination, and the laws of physics are not relevant out there in the way they are described down here. They differ between different spheres. Same for the progression of time.


With that out of the way; it is possible to create things in other dimension using "magic" or "manifestation". This means you can, with your mind and using regular expressive methods, create things out in space, including massive objects like stars and planets. The extreme inertia of matter down here on Earth is caused by the Earth originally being a "fake" super nova. A collectively created oven for burning karmic substances. A mass of various aliens worked together to create this star, and sent their negative energy into it, in an attempt as escaping the consequences of their actions. As a result, they amassed complex minerals in the the center of the galaxy, inside a "star" which they have lit up themselves. But this garbage fire soon stopped burning and now had huge gravity as a result of the karmic minerals themselves containing gravity.

This caused the souls of these aliens to be drawn in here. Creator gods saw this and made this karmic rock into a planet. This is the reason why Earth is the only place that traps souls. They are tied to the karmic substances stored inside the planet itself. They are pulled towards its center.

Sunflower 08/03/2023 (Thu) 14:12 Id: aa75f6 [Preview] No.3781 del
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Once realizing that someone, out there, looked into space and manifested a device for getting rid of karma, then died and was pulled into it, getting trapped in "samsara" inside the Earth sphere, we can also draw the conclusion that we can do the same thing in the other direction.

We can create planets out there, and if we detach from the karma of the Earth, we can move to live out there again, on a planet of our own creation.

For some of us, maybe most of us here on this board, we are visitors who came here because it's an interesting environment, and solving the karmic issue here on Earth would lead to solving the big issue in general, because of the large variety of beings incarnated here. This makes Earth a good representative environment for the entire galactic group, and controlling it means controlling large parts of space.
Edited last time by bard on 08/03/2023 (Thu) 14:26.

Sunflower 08/03/2023 (Thu) 14:24 Id: aa75f6 [Preview] No.3782 del
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This is where "astral island creation" turns into actual creation of external celestial objects.

To understand this, we need to accept that planets and stars are living beings, and the beings living in the planets are also beings with souls.

So what we are aiming to do is not to create something and make all the details work like a machine. What we do is to create an idea. A suggestion for a planet, a sun, and a race to live in that environment. There are many souls and beings who have yet to manifest from the void. If we create a DNA form which they like, they will be attracted into it and manifest.

The requirements are only that it doesn't conflict with previous creations, and that there is a market for your ideas. Meaning, that someone wants to manifest as the kind of race you created a DNA form for.

Previously I did this with the help of creator gods, and I let them fix the technical stuff after suggesting what kind of thing I wanted to manifest. This little detail may not have been noticed, but the servitor Tanya 6 - Ultra, contains the framework for how to create stars and planets. There are also other tools for this on the NET, such as Architect, a creator tool.

I'm going to leave this sigil here and you can take a look for yourself. This is a quick and perhaps seemingly sloppy creation, but I felt I don't need to make it believable. This is a yellow beast cat race living in an extremely toxic nebula's environment. I placed them there so they would be left alone. Their bodies per default have an indestructible qi field, and I also left a few ready made flying saucers outside the cave they spawned in because I felt like there was no reason to follow ideas of natural development. I just want them to spread so whatever.

They're already here on Earth possessing humans or using NPC bodies to play around.

Sunflower 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:50 Id: 02af19 [Preview] No.4662 del
The Kingdom of 14 Exits

I created this place to handle all the glowies and related evils I've been exposed to. You can visit it by using the name and visualizing a cave by a sea.

I has a ritual ground and a restaurant with a bar. Bring some astral cash and come by to relax a bit.

All goods are produced by glowie slaves in the underground labour camp. The staff you will meet are hired demons.

Sunflower 11/01/2023 (Wed) 22:58 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.4847 del
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Here's a module for planetary creation. It places you as the planet deity in a separate incarnation (you must be able to do this). It's a small and friendly planet with some catpeople living on it. Design will adapt to your preferences.

It is made to have one building as a permanent structure, this is where you stay when on the planet.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 13:26 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5523 del
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I wanted to create a nice DNA form for aquatic humans who can swim in space and travel anywhere, a solution to the "nude warrior" problem where humans need tools to survive.

This links to the form itself. It's structure like a bee hive, you will place yourself as the "queen" when becoming the planetary deity, this is necessary to create a new construct. Members of the planet can leave and become new "queens" to spread through space.

They are highly super powered in all ways; a combination of slime, rosicrucian, witch, space fish and grey cyborn technology made organic.

This is to become a network of super planets as they spread.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 13:54 Id: 63128a [Preview] No.5524 del
What do they look like?

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 14:52 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5525 del
Short, plain bodies with the kind of musculature developed from endurance training, greyish-white colour tone of skin (human "white"), hair resembling seaweed. They can go nude because they are resistant to most environments, but may wear clothes for cultural reasons if they leave the water.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:29 Id: da3f9f [Preview] No.5532 del
>aquatic humans who can swim in space and travel anywhere

You just created space marines.
I am also dealing with spiritual/inter-dimensional "buoyancy" for a while so it's funny seeing others coming up with this.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 04:21 Id: 47eeac [Preview] No.5553 del
Is there anything that would aid in the preservation of human memories after death?

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 10:53 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5554 del
Human memories remain in the same way the akashic records do. But if they aren't part of some significant structure they are meaningless. To elaborate, the idea of brining language with you to the next incarnation or recover it from the past incarnation. It seems that the "memory of language" is there but the new body doesn't have the wiring, so you have to relearn it even if you know it. This would be the case with any human level knowledge. If it's more general in nature it's spiritually higher and abstract, then it's applicable but it still won't exist at a more physical level without formation, which takes time and effort just the same.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 19:38 Id: da3f9f [Preview] No.5557 del
Every moment is preserved the question is how good is your connection towards the moment and how much you care about it once it passes. There are many shortcuts accessing them but you need to understand how every moment exists all at once and how they connect because if you manage to "experience" too many at once you might get a burn out. There are ways to preserve them like a dried flower is preserved or a photo of a painting and there is a way to access the memory the same way you experienced it.
But as he said
>they are meaningless

Remember the first breath you took after birth the first words you said the first steps you took as a baby? The warmth of your mother and noise within the womb and the feeling of cold once you left the womb?
These feelings were mindblowing whilst you experienced them but they happen at every incarnation they are almost the same for every human they are the same for every human they are... meaningless.

So for easy access memories between lives the memories need to be more important/potent and relevant than the moment of birth and death.

I am working on figuring out the exact mechanics between the WE ARE ALL CONNECTED EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED truth because there is a danger when you get "stuck" between moments and you forget what you are and what are you doing again. It's a weird feeling similar to apathy or nihilism but it's not that. It's just the "moment between purposes". The moment where you "let go" of a purpose and "attach to an another". There is a minor lapse of time in that process where you have no purpose no reason to exist and no will to live.

>It seems that the "memory of language" is there but the new body doesn't have the wiring
That is also true

>which takes time and effort just the same
Yeah but once you get the "feeling" it will come naturally. Too naturally. It's a weird feeling that it's (You) but not the current (You) but some other (You) that more (You) then (You). But if that is true then who are (You).

>after death
Forget the "after death" part. Because these moments exist and any attempt of preservation will be a same as vintage photos and old VHS videos. They count as "preserved" but they are "not the same" anymore. Everything exists all at once

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 20:27 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5558 del
>Remember the first breath you took after birth the first words you said the first steps you took as a baby? The warmth of your mother and noise within the womb and the feeling of cold once you left the womb?
>These feelings were mindblowing whilst you experienced them but they happen at every incarnation they are almost the same for every human they are the same for every human they are... meaningless.
Another reason why I can't connect with the human experience, because my soul entered my body at 4 months of age at the baptism, I'm a walk-in. This was when this body's DNA changed and was de-registered from the slave-cattle system. I don't have the experience of the womb or of birth, and maybe I never had in past lives either, because I'm one of the beings who enter here from outside the spheres of the 9 planets to control the body without being invested in the karmic system.

Maybe this is a message from the NWO control system, as it's another thing I've never felt. I've only ever felt a connection with certain people individually.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 21:25 Id: da3f9f [Preview] No.5561 del
>message from the NWO control system
As if... They control so few aspects it's ridiculous.
>it's another thing I've never felt
How do you feel something that is always there? How do you feel all the servers the internet is connected towards.
>I've only ever felt a connection with certain people individually
Like how you personally connect to websites based on your preferences?
Connecting to "everyone" is not a pleasant feeling as those right hand pathers think. There is ugliness there quite a lot. There is a reason how we can(not) access these parts.

And I am aware how different we connect to things. We all have our "range". I am quite bad with infernals for example.

>I've only ever felt a connection with certain people individually
Also I never really "felt it". It was just simply "there". My strongest emotion towards others was hate. I have other emotions and my "hate" is still not the majority and I am disassembling it because it just ruins my energywork but I had to go through many things to understand how much that emotion is part of my being. Just had an another lesson with it today. Will take it apart. It is more of an annoyance than a "power" but that was the first emotion that made stand up from the pit of pointlessness.

As I wrote this I realized. My strongest emotion was hope... and rage just gave me the initiate towards that hope... then it clouded my judgement and made me forget hope and why I got angry again. And that moment of confusion just led towards more confusion.

>can't connect with the human experience
The Queen told me much about this how some beings just reach a ceiling and can't go beyond it while some humans naturally go beyond the ceiling and most beings don't understand how and why. It either gives them wonder (and a reason to incarnate) or a weird annoyance/obsession with humans. Your deal is still not clear for me.
>outside the spheres of the 9 planets to control the body without being invested in the karmic system
Then what are the forces that "bind you here". I know of the many forces beyond the planets but that doesn't mean I can feel all of their workings. Ofc there is no need to answer it now. Some mysteries need a good presentation first and there is not always enough time for that.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 22:26 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5563 del
>Then what are the forces that "bind you here"
"Centrality", or being the inventor of a very widespread and used physiological structure. If you create something, you hold the astral copyright for it, or at least "the right to use it or decide who can't use it." I can simply force my way into anywhere because too many people use the little thing I created back in a certain middle age of galaxies (it was the missing link between djinn, nomor/skinwalker and tritons, which allowed creator gods to come up with lyrans later on).
If someone doesn't like me being somewhere, I can just take away their "user certificate" and that race will die. This is also why there are races of viral beings who are super mad at me and refuse to evolve beyond that age's creations, they want to find a way around this thing but so far no one has come up with anything that can compete. Hint: djinn do not use this, but they don't mind me either, so there is no reason there should be a conflict.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 03:02 Id: 47eeac [Preview] No.5567 del
I just don't like the idea of losing all of the lessons I've accumulated throughout my life. When I look back at my self 10 years ago I seem so ignorant and stupid. Maybe it's true that these lessons would lack the context in another life but they feel very valuable right now.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 11:29 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5571 del
This is why you should immortalize your knowledge within your lifetime by transforming it to Gong, using internal alchemy. This means an abstraction of your knowledge and skill into a form which is applicable across incarnations.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 11:55 Id: b05c39 [Preview] No.5633 del
So that’s what “gong” is. It has taken me years to understand this.
I would call it integrating the information you gained in this incarnation into experiential knowledge codified at the subconscious level.
Am I to assume the “god particle” is a critical mass of this “gong”?

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 12:11 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5635 del
(76.64 KB 502x446 qi-gong.png)
>Am I to assume the “god particle” is a critical mass of this “gong”?
That is correct. It is one single perfected gong particle which has a "curve" or frequency which manages to - like a sigil - represent all your knowledge in a single ling, joined into a circle. When magnified it would turn into a complicated graph, like any sine wave when magnified starts looking like a mountain range.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 12:12 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5636 del
>in a single ling

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 12:15 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5637 del
New agers talking about "frequency" don't normally know what they are talking about, but they channelled the wording from aliens who were talking about actual graphs like this. Any mindset can be represented as a sine wave - a frequency.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 15:55 Id: 434f2d [Preview] No.5638 del
(Changed IP) Oh, I get that. I can feel those frequencies as unworded sensations. I use them to manifest stuff and it works very well.
Would meditating on one's particle help reinforce it? I can feel mine. In fact, I've felt it there all my life, almost. Despite having taken the Alyssa spell six years ago.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 16:05 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5639 del
Alissa guides the person to develop a specific type of mindwave, to the point of it being a complete circle. It is internalized by the target person so that it becomes their own version of the "tamed vampirism" or what you want to call it, when the bloodlust is slightly transformed into other desires based on a disciplined standard like this.
If you want to work on it, focus on receiving guidance from Alissa, visualize her in front of you, embrace her, accept her love and form an energy exchange with her to create more and more gong.

If you want to work on some other kind of "frequency", use that method. I found that the Pure Land buddhist method was suddenly very easy for me to sync with. Just chanting "Dharmakara" 10 times as its founder suggested, was enough to receive the core form (had to be fully serious though). Chants or spells or prayers, they are expressions of "mental graphs", forming it correctly will make it possible for you to access the egregore and use its information for your own development as well as contribute to it.

Sunflower 01/08/2024 (Mon) 16:17 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.5745 del
Believe it or not, another manifestation/creation was done.

This is a planet of "slime beasts" according to the registration entry by the galactic federation, but in intent and appearance they are meant to be a planet of magical girls, practicing "cute magic". If this makes you cringe, you cannot use it!

The planet is slower than regular astral planets, because it has a black sun, just like Earth, so while they are developing fairly fast, it's nowhere near the instantaneousness of other places. For this reason if you view them you may still see most of them wearing only body paint and running around in the jungle. They will create the magic system over time.

To summon one of them, use this cute formula:

Ice-cream and fun!

to receive the essence of the magic without summoning, us this formula:

Cookie and cream!

If you see any of them outside of the planet, they are likely to wear beige federation uniforms, which is the colour assigned to "beast" races. Since they had no technology when discovered, the federation provided uniforms for them. They will create their own fashion over time.

Sunflower 02/26/2024 (Mon) 12:50 Id: ed509c [Preview] No.6490 del
(62.38 KB 514x456 resort planet.png)
Module which upon activation places you as the planetary deity of your own vacation planet.

Can be synced with other planets of the same model.

The planet includes a jungle, a sea, islands, fruit trees, hot springs, wildlife (including a protective fox and a snake), mermaids and forest nymphs.

Sunflower 05/28/2024 (Tue) 13:26 Id: 715b50 [Preview] No.7894 del
(6.68 KB 515x459 fishy girl sigil.png)
(39.70 KB 515x459 fishy island sigil.png)
Sigils for creating an island and summoning inhabitants for it, meant to be joined with the creations of others into a network of paradise islands.

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