/WhiteHatred/ - NatziHunter

Identify White Threats

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The Aryan Brotherhood when you call the cops you call us. They have judges on the payroll to avoid prococution.
They are using hand signs to indicate afiliations. Hands in pocket indicates royalty. Covering face indicates code of scilence. Pointing indica

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"Car Accident" God2020 09/24/2022 (Sat) 21:56 [Preview] No. 6
This car drove into this scooter intentionally. They use car accidents to delay. Or kill people to maintain plausable deniability. A lot of "royals" use food delivery to make money. As many of us find ourselves black listed from employment. "I know" "I won't let you" is a ginger kid good at hacking. Probably based out of Los Angeles.

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