NEET 07/11/2023 (Tue) 05:57 No.726022 del
I threw a bunch of dogs stuff out while tidying up the back yard. Both bins are full. There's still two mattress things that are too big for the bin. The rug had spiders living in at and had started being eaten by mould, there were mushrooms growing. I think there must be mushroom compost in the dirt. Sprayed the dirt square, trimmed the green square. Need to do it again but the grass was long, and now it's cut, it's wet and won't cut. Need to do it again in a week. But won't. Need a eufy lawn mower for the green square. Need to concrete the dirt square. Barkchips are shit. Missing the dog heaps. There's bits of bones, poo bag rolls, the wash basket thing with brushes and shampoo for when I washed him, the brace thing for lifting him up once his hips went. In the bin.