NEET 09/25/2023 (Mon) 04:17 No.750779 del
The cost of living 'crisis' seems like a bit of a wank to me. The exception is fuel. Mum was complaining about the grocery prices again but had the fancy coffee pods for her brand new $800 coffee machine, had a bunch of cookies and timtams etc even though shes a diabetic. Buys regular chicken for the dog because it 'doesnt like' cheap dog food. Then this morning she was going on about the winter gas bill but was also excited to be going to Sydney with one of her friends to see a concert.
She is like those reddit mongs who post a basket of expensive shit and ask "how can people survive???"
I wish I could just live on the dole in a place like this. Wouldn't need hot water, just wash my clothes in the sink, and never have to deal with other failed city yuppies like me complaining about colesworth and food trucks and wage growth and fossil fuels and shit
I am sick of it all, I want to leave this society
I wanna go troppo