Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 06:21 No.53106 del
>more viable than buying in an illegitimate market

You obviously have not done many drugs in your lifetime. Well I have, some at least. Some experience with others who have done a lot more than I have. There is a whole lot of risk buying street drugs, even normally in a parking lot back in the 70s, 80s and 90s which I have experienced. Some of the risks: you might get bad cuts, it might be laced with other drugs, you might get ripped off totally and the coke ends up being half baby powder, you might risk being spotted and followed by undercover police later finding out your dealer got busted.... most of this can easily happen online easily too, not to mention getting completely ripped off or being entrapped by a narc fed. My recommendation is stick with booze, and if you do anything else do it with someone you already personally know and trust.