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Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 02:05 [Preview] No. 53105
(first post) Instead of taking risks buying drugs, why not do it at home? It is much more viable than buying in an illegitimate market, running the risk of being arrested or killed, in fact how to make LSD?

Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 06:21 [Preview] No.53106 del
>more viable than buying in an illegitimate market

You obviously have not done many drugs in your lifetime. Well I have, some at least. Some experience with others who have done a lot more than I have. There is a whole lot of risk buying street drugs, even normally in a parking lot back in the 70s, 80s and 90s which I have experienced. Some of the risks: you might get bad cuts, it might be laced with other drugs, you might get ripped off totally and the coke ends up being half baby powder, you might risk being spotted and followed by undercover police later finding out your dealer got busted.... most of this can easily happen online easily too, not to mention getting completely ripped off or being entrapped by a narc fed. My recommendation is stick with booze, and if you do anything else do it with someone you already personally know and trust.

Anonymous 08/14/2024 (Wed) 22:15 [Preview] No.53123 del
Yes, I have never had any experience with drugs, so I have a question: instead of buying them, why not make them yourself? To clarify, I mean manufacturing them for personal use. I recently became interested in LSD and its effects and have done some research about it online.

Anonymous 08/14/2024 (Wed) 23:54 [Preview] No.53124 del
College students who learned basic chemistry used to make LSD all the time back in the 60s and 70s, so there were a variety of different batches and some, unfortunately, were tainted batches or what they used to call "brown acid" which could really mess with your brain, badly, far beyond just having a bad trip. Making LSD is dangerous, if you get one process wrong or too much of one particular compound it could have devastating and possibly fatal consequences.

I knew a buddy of mine long ago who used to experiment with acid, he never cooked it only bought it. He used to be a big drinker too, although I've often heard you can't feel the effects of alcohol while on acid but that's besides the point. He liked to experiment A LOT. Just like he drank like a fish. Over time when we would hang out we would all notice his demeanor changed, his behavior over time became unpredictable, sporadic. He would start flying off the handle about just about anything, whether it was over arguments with his girlfriend, an 8 track tape getting jammed, if he missed the first part of a ball game, or us just fucking around being dumb and antagonistic which was totally normal. Well that was just the start. Later on he did not want to hang out much, it was hard to convince him to go to a party, or hell even to go out to get something to eat when we were bored. I among others started noticing he was not right, something very strange was going on, he was not himself anymore. He changed! Well I called his sister up one night, concerned about my friend. She did not realize the extent of history he had experimenting with hard drugs like acid, he kept it from his family. Well he ended up being hospitalized after being arrested causing a disturbance in public. I was told police claimed he was ranting to himself while half naked outside a local grocery store in the middle of the night. Well OK. You might think he was drunk, right? Nope! No alcohol at the time of arrest. He did not have drugs or paraphernalia on him either, his urine results did not show any signs of drug use. He became schizophrenic. I did get to talk to him from time to time throughout the following few years when he lived in a half-way rehabilitation home but he was an entirely different person. He could not listen to music anymore (caused him to panic), did not want to go outside much ('demons' or 'shadow entities'), he was not very social anymore but still could remember the times we did have, it was very sad. He died in his early 50s of a stroke. Whatever he ended up taking I don't exactly know, but I do suspect it was a batch of brown acid. It must have been improperly produced by an amateur and it completely wrecked his psyche.

I am glad I simply stuck with weed, tobacco, coke and alcohol when I was a youth. Sure I did other things time from time but nothing crazy and I'm probably still alive because of it.

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