/chans/ - chans

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Welcome to /chans /chans/ owner 11/01/2019 (Fri) 12:52:23 [Preview] No. 1
Welcome to /chans/, a board dedicated to the discussion of small and obscure chan sites.

Here are some basic rules

>Do not to share chan websites operating exclusively over the Tor network, as these have a tendency to allow illegal content
>Any website shared here that violates US federal law will be deleted
>Off-topic or low quality posts will be deleted

Anonymous 11/01/2019 (Fri) 12:59:38 [Preview] No.3 del
Ebin FBI reverse psychology tactics.
>explicitly asking not to post sites with illegal content
>just to bait people posting those
>put the link on shortlist
>delet post to keep on the facade

Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 22:42:26 [Preview] No.4 del
Though ya need more information I will keep an eye on this board. Might want to broaden your scope from just chans though, like chans + other interesting sites partly on the sides.

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