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PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 00:49 [Preview] No. 458
PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

“It must be destroyed. They refuse to serve Me. Few will be saved. What they have done to Gaza must be done to them. Its sin has come before Me. It must be judged. Few will be saved. Its sin must be judged. Its sin has not escaped Me. It must be judged. Few will escape My wrath. It must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken.”
“It must be destroyed, all of it. They refuse to serve Me. They’re My people, but they refuse to obey. They must be destroyed. Not a one will escape My wrath. What they’ve done to Gaza must be judged. Few will be saved. Your LORD has spoken.”

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