Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 13:39:48 No.23 del
Eureasian I can get on board with. But "Eureastasian" sounds gay af.
In fact "Eureasian" may be a better choice because then we don't get trashy half-pajeets trying to get into our racial classification.
On the other hand I have seen half-viet eurasians who are attractive and intelligent, so perhaps the classification is a little blurred.
>here i am taking that prescious Eurasian title from you
you aren't taking shit you little mong bitch
your people have been irrelevant for the past 500+ years
keep coping more ghengis
>Call yourself hapa or any other mumbo-jumbo word. You are not Eurasian.
Ok ghengis, enjoy being a colony of russia