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(41.15 KB 558x399 Alexandre_Douguine.jpg)
Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 10:57:10 Id: cbf2ed [Preview] No. 18
You call yourself Eurasians, but you even not from actual Eurasia. Can you ride horse, can you throat sing, do you have collection of mongolian bows and arrows? Do you even know taste of horse milk? No! Don't call yourselves Eurasian. Hapa, wapa, jabba, mutto, call yourself whatever the fuck you want, but not Eurasian. True Eurasians are mongols, central asian turks and russkies. Fuckin islander half-breeds not Eurasians. You don't have Eurasia in heart, you don't have Eurasia in blood.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 13:58:21 [Preview] No.19 del
>Muh russha
>Muh mong
>Muh turk
i believe the correct term for those is "Central and West Asia"

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:17:57 Id: 782acb [Preview] No.20 del
(57.73 KB 333x500 8748416846.jpg)
>muh korean expatriate mum
>muh military base/ketball american dad
I belive correct term for your kind is mixed race but absolutely not Eurasian.
If one of your ancestor is chinese/japanese and another european and you live in USA, that not make you Eurasian. You never been in Eurasia. Not ethnically, not historicaly, not mentaly you do not belong to Eurasia and don't represent any of Eurasian ethnicities.
Finnish and Hungarians do, they are belong to Eurasian legacy. Anglos, jews, hispanics, negroes, samoans, koreans, whoever the fuck you are, you may call yorrself europeans, asians, blacks, whites, colored, halves, mixes, la luz extinguidos - whatever, but you are not Eurasians.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 00:53:29 [Preview] No.21 del
>waaaaah stop appropriating muh turminology!!!
seethe more mong
european + east asian = eurasian
and there's nothing you can do about it

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:02:51 Id: 782acb [Preview] No.22 del
(105.25 KB 1200x750 87946513213.jpg)
No you start cope, kanak. Stick to your ohana and don't touch what is not yours.
>european + east asian = eurasian
Then call yorself eureastasian, you double retard.
>and there's nothing you can do about it
I can spread truth. Although, i feel sorry for you, since you have no national identity, people that you can call yours, can't relate to your wasp dad's folks, can't relate to your sucky-sucky five dolla mom's folks. And here i am taking that prescious Eurasian title from you. You can start cope now.

Call yourself hapa or any other mumbo-jumbo word. You are not Eurasian.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 13:39:48 [Preview] No.23 del
Eureasian I can get on board with. But "Eureastasian" sounds gay af.
In fact "Eureasian" may be a better choice because then we don't get trashy half-pajeets trying to get into our racial classification.
On the other hand I have seen half-viet eurasians who are attractive and intelligent, so perhaps the classification is a little blurred.
>here i am taking that prescious Eurasian title from you
you aren't taking shit you little mong bitch
your people have been irrelevant for the past 500+ years
keep coping more ghengis
>Call yourself hapa or any other mumbo-jumbo word. You are not Eurasian.
Ok ghengis, enjoy being a colony of russia

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:46:55 Id: e6de8e [Preview] No.25 del
>True Eurasians are mongols, central asian turks and russkies.
>mongols, central asian turks
All altaic peoples, i.e. east Asians. They're literally distant cousins of Japanese.

Indo-europeans, certainly not 'asian'.

A communist faggot, fuck him.

>You don't have Eurasia in heart, you don't have Eurasia in blood.
Fuck you, we'll call ourselves whatever we want pal. If we are mixed in heritage of the people of Europe with the people of Asia, then we are Eurasian; this is how words are formed.

This. What you OP are referring to are central Asians.

Anonymous 11/24/2019 (Sun) 22:46:44 Id: 6374f8 [Preview] No.26 del
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>In fact "Eureasian" may be a better choice because then we don't get trashy half-pajeets trying to get into our racial classification.
How would you even pronounce 'Eureasian' out loud? Hapa just sounds like something you would put on cheap noodles to make them taste edible.
>This. What you OP are referring to are central Asians.
We are obviously a different people to them. Maybe we should go with a different name altogether.
I personally like 'Hyperborean'. It calls back to the ice-age environment that shaped European and East Asian genetics.

Anonymous 11/25/2019 (Mon) 03:15:16 Id: a66dd2 [Preview] No.27 del
Hyperborean is not bad, plus it could easily be translated between European and Asian languages (ex. it could be rendered as 上北 in Asian languages). The only problem is that Hyperborean already refers to a people that existed in the distant mythic past. If we suddenly take this name, others will criticize us and call us imposters of the actual Hyperboreans. Still it's a good suggestion and better than Eureasian in my opinion.

Anonymous 11/25/2019 (Mon) 11:22:29 Id: 6374f8 [Preview] No.29 del
>it could easily be translated between European and Asian languages
Good point. I never even thought of it that way.
>The only problem is that Hyperborean already refers to a people that existed in the distant mythic past.
Isn't that a good thing? All established ethnic groups have a mythical ancestor as part of their identity. In our case we can't go with a recent ancestor, as they are all European or Asian, so it has to be from the very distant past before the two were established as separate races. I'm not saying it has to be Hyperborea specifically, but we should have an origin myth of our own.

Anonymous 11/28/2019 (Thu) 01:22:43 [Preview] No.36 del
(50.65 KB 640x486 tsuruko no makeup.jpg)
>we should have an origin myth of our own
The origin myth starts here. We are living it right now.
We can call ourselves Eurasians, and define India as not a part of Asia and instead a part of the Middle East.

>muh fludd detected
ur mom detected

Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 05:09:00 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.38 del
>The origin myth starts here. We are living it right now.
I can't think of any people who just started a new culture from scratch. All of them had a

Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 05:09:39 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.39 del
myth of their own origins.

Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 06:27:22 Id: e6de8e [Preview] No.45 del
The problem is that every other people on this planet more or less came about in an organic way, i.e. descent from and differentiation from an ancestral group. The same applies to their languages. Hapas are unique in that we came about from the convergence of two ancestral gropus, rather than the divergence of one.

>starting a new culture from scratch. All of them had a myth of their own origins.
It's unprecedented, of course. But so are Hapas. Throughout all of history and even today, Hapas were and are atomized and isolated. Even today most Hapas will not identify with one another, much less claim any kind of racial solidarity with one another. The change we must seek in order to establish Hapas as our own racial/ethnic group must involve some kind of culture. My personal opinion is to take certain facets of European and East Asian cultures and combine them, while also focusing on the similarities between the two (there are MANY, I have studied this for a long time). But we must also make sure that the result is neither European nor East Asian, but something completely unique, because WE are neither European nor East Asian, but something else entirely.

Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 09:33:38 Id: 6b029c [Preview] No.47 del
she cute

Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 14:00:02 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.52 del
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>Hapas are unique in that we came about from the convergence of two ancestral gropus, rather than the divergence of one.
I'm pretty sure this has already happened in South and Central America. They don't have any problem invoking a Catholic saint within a native ritual, or with honoring ancestors from before their racial blending. Many of the Central Asian groups mentioned by OP must have also undergone a racial mixing process at some point in the distant past.
>My personal opinion is to take certain facets of European and East Asian cultures and combine them, while also focusing on the similarities between the two (there are MANY, I have studied this for a long time).
Can you elaborate more on this? What are the similarities that most people miss?

Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 21:41:13 Id: 2f93e8 [Preview] No.57 del
>Can you elaborate more on this? What are the similarities that most people miss?
A major fundamental similarity appears in traditional religion (i.e. pre christianity). Both Indo Europeans and East Asians worshipped the sky as a primary all-powerful deity (capital g God). Even in modern Asian languages the word for sky is used as another word for God (ex Chinese Tian). The Altaic steppe dwellers worshipped Tengri, and this is more or less analogous to the IE god Dyeus Phter (i.e. Zeus, Jupiter, etc), another sky deity. I wouldn't be surprised if that IE root were distantly cognate with the Tengri and Tian of eastern religion. Both races also worshipped ancestors as gods, such as founders of a certain dynasty or lineage. Also both races had the custom of building huge tumuli to bury the dead kings, and believed hills, mounds, mountains, etc. to be holy sites (ex Chinese Taishan, Greek Olympus, etc). Both races have also always been highly patriarchal and patrilinear. This all compared to most races at the time which were matriarchal and earth-goddess-worshippers. In language, Altaic languages very much resemble the ancient proto-IE language, which was verb-final and headword-final.

I can go on but those are the basics. Also a race's choice of primary deities more often than not determine much of the customs and social practices of that race.

Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 21:56:21 Id: 6fc33b [Preview] No.58 del
>and russkies
>calling russians non-hapas
What is the Israel of eurasia? I need to got there and have a stern talk with your mother.

Anonymous 12/02/2019 (Mon) 06:54:01 Id: b5cc51 [Preview] No.61 del
>Indo-europeans, certainly not 'asian'.
>not 'asian'
I had a good chuckle, thank you.

Anonymous 12/02/2019 (Mon) 09:33:43 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.63 del
>In language, Altaic languages very much resemble the ancient proto-IE language, which was verb-final and headword-final.
Can you redpill us on the Altaic languages? I know that most linguists don't acknowledge them as a language group anymore and put the similarities down to convergence rather than divergence.
>I can go on but those are the basics.
Please do, this is very interesting.

Anonymous 12/03/2019 (Tue) 11:16:06 Id: f9c1a5 [Preview] No.72 del
The main controversy regarding the Altaic languages is that many of many of the earlier Altaicists, namely N.N. Poppe and especially R.A. Miller, have issues with their methodology and/or using unreliable data. Opponents of Altaic theory complained that the Altaicists were unable to come up with many cognates between the major Altaic families. But there are still plenty of Altaicists today, but most of them are Russian (which is not surprising since most of the Eurasian steppe has been Russian territory for the past few hundred years). A few of them do write in English, such as Alexander Vovin, whose article "Altaic, so far" (attached) provides a decent introduction and bibliography of the field today, as well as dispells some of the myths anti-Altaicists like to push. Anyway sites like http://altaica.ru/e_index.php contain tons of resources in both Russian and English.

Even if Altaic turns out unable to refer to a group of peoples and languages related by common descent, it is still a useful category. Even if they aren't related genetically they still share a good deal of similarities. For instance pretty much all of them practiced shamanistic/animistic religions, worshipped a patriarchal sky god and most were/still are nomadic. Even if those similarities are due to convergence, it's still a useful category.

Anonymous 12/03/2019 (Tue) 11:16:47 Id: f9c1a5 [Preview] No.73 del
>Please do, this is very interesting.
Well, many of the similarities originate from a set of fundamentals which were very close between the two races. Worship of a patriarchal sky deity is probably the most fundamental, and from this a more or less analogous pair of worldviews evolves. This worldview places great importance on the principles of family relations, ancestor relations and defines a social hierarchy. Men saw God as a father, and themselves as children. The devotion a man shows to his god was therefore analogous to the devotion a son shows to his father. And this model of fidelity ("fides") was basically extrapolated to the entire body of society. For instance, both races HEAVILY emphacized the relation between a guest and host, seeing the two positions as reciprocal in their owing fidelity to one another (in original Proto Indo-European, the word for "guest" and "host" were the same). For example, Mongols had the custom that it was a great sin to kill a man, even a mortal enemy, while he is a guest (Genghis Khan's father was killed this way, which is why he eventually retaliated so brutally).

This is why both traditional Indo-European and traditional Asian societies had such rigid social hierarchies, such as the Indian caste system (an extreme example), analogous to the Simin (四民, four categories of people) in China. The choice of four is not insignificant either, as it corresponded to four directions and four seasons. Those that worshipped Heaven placed heavy importance upon the movement of celestial bodies in order to calibrate their calendars. The swastika, a holy symbol in both Asian and Aryan civilizations, came from this. Many think that it was Aryan Buddhism that brought the swastika to East Asia, but the symbol had actually been there much longer. It comes from observing the Big Dipper rotate about Polaris, the Dipper with Polaris forming an L shape, which, repeated four times radially, generates a swastika.

We can also see where many Asian and IE societies converged in political and philosophical thought. For instance, it is significant to note that both societies had a concept of a "warrior-scholar". It was the Greek Thucydides who said "The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools." There was some other Greek (can't remember who off the top of my head) who said that those who focus solely on physical strength are "too vulgar" and those who focus solely on mental strength "too girly", that the ideal man sought to increase both. We know the Chinese had the same line of thought, as their language actually had a word (士, shi) that refered to a man that possessed both warrior and scholar qualities. Later on the word lost its original meaning, however, and just came to refer to a "scholar" (as a social class).

Of course, for every one similarity I can find there are probably about ten differences. What's important though is that a lot of the religious, social and philosophical foundations of IE and East Asian societies contained several similarities such as these, even though specific details might have differed and eventually diverged throughout history.

Anonymous 12/03/2019 (Tue) 11:20:36 Id: f9c1a5 [Preview] No.74 del
(293.90 KB 1100x1100 swastikabigdipper.jpg)
>pic related, demonstration of the origin of the swastika

Anonymous 12/05/2019 (Thu) 13:34:23 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.85 del
Thank you for your help. I downloaded the pdf to study in more detail.
>Many think that it was Aryan Buddhism that brought the swastika to East Asia, but the symbol had actually been there much longer. It comes from observing the Big Dipper rotate about Polaris, the Dipper with Polaris forming an L shape, which, repeated four times radially, generates a swastika.
I was aware of Ursa Major forming the Swastika, but must admit to being one of those who thought it was introduced to Asia by the Buddhists. Do you have any pre-Buddhist sources for it?
>The choice of four is not insignificant either, as it corresponded to four directions and four seasons. Those that worshipped Heaven placed heavy importance upon the movement of celestial bodies in order to calibrate their calendars.
>For instance, it is significant to note that both societies had a concept of a "warrior-scholar". It was the Greek Thucydides who said "The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
>We know the Chinese had the same line of thought, as their language actually had a word (士, shi) that refered to a man that possessed both warrior and scholar qualities. Later on the word lost its original meaning, however, and just came to refer to a "scholar" (as a social class).
This reminds me of a train of thought I had a while ago. It may just be a mad dream, but I'll post it anyway.
A lot of the Asians who move to the West and the Europeans who move to the far east are from the cognitive elite of their respective races. Many are highly educated, often in a demanding STEM field. Most Eurasians and mixed couples I have met have this sort of background. Given that mental abilities are heritable, at least in part, we are being genetically selected as a race for handling high technology. White and Asian abilities in these fields are already higher than any other population (Jews have higher IQ, but it's mostly verbal), and we are being bred from the best of both races.
Sometime in this century, space travel and off-world industrialization may become a real possibility. The people who can thrive in these harsh environments will be those with technical skills, low time-preference and high IQ. In other words, us. Even those who are not us will probably be mostly White and Asian, so any new colony will become Eurasian after a few generations.
As you pointed out, our ancestors worshiped Heaven, paid close attention to the stars and had a warrior-scholar spirit. They are the races who conquered every frontier on this planet up to this point. It's almost as if we are destined for outer space.

Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 09:20:47 Id: f9c1a5 [Preview] No.89 del
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>I was aware of Ursa Major forming the Swastika, but must admit to being one of those who thought it was introduced to Asia by the Buddhists. Do you have any pre-Buddhist sources for it?
Although the actual Chinese glyph for swastika (卐) does not appear until long after Buddhism arrived, we still find the swastika on a number of ceramic artefacts from the Banshan and Majiayao neolithic cultures, both dating to around the time of the Chinese mythical Xia dynasty. However I do think it eventually was incorporated in pictographic Shang oracle bone script, except with a slightly altered shape (see 3rd picture, cross potent). This word is 巫 and basically means shaman. Why it would have ended up with the meaning of a religious office rather than the meaning of some kind of supreme god, I don't really know, but it did come from the same source. The swastika is, above all, a symbol used to represent the highest cosmic principle by peoples that worshipped Heaven, that it might have survived even in a religious sense is still quite significant. I think it would be an appropriate symbols for us Hapas to adopt today, of course provided people can get past the "MUH NAZEEEES" taboo.

>A lot of the Asians who move to the West and the Europeans who move to the far east are from the cognitive elite of their respective races. Many are highly educated, often in a demanding STEM field. Most Eurasians and mixed couples I have met have this sort of background. Given that mental abilities are heritable, at least in part, we are being genetically selected as a race for handling high technology.
>we are being bred from the best of both races.
This is an excellent point, and is definitely true in many cases. Most Hapas I have met IRL have been rather intelligent and involved in STEM fields. I myself am involved in a STEM field. What this means is that Hapas as a collective have extraordinary potential. Even if a small population of Hapas were assembled, those genes through which we inherited some of our parents' intelligence would already be the majority among that population, and would definitely appear in higher amounts than in equally-sized samples of either of our parent races, or any other race for that matter.

The aptitude for STEM and handling technology is a great advantage. It means that a Hapa community would be able to support itself using these means which are generally high-income. If off-world industy does become a thing in the future, I reckon Hapas would be able to thrive in that kind of economy, and potentially have higher access to raw materials from ventures such as astroid mining.

Anonymous 12/08/2019 (Sun) 01:47:35 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.97 del
(77.90 KB 736x902 Majiayao_Odal.jpg)
>we still find the swastika on a number of ceramic artefacts from the Banshan and Majiayao neolithic cultures, both dating to around the time of the Chinese mythical Xia dynasty.
Thanks for turning me onto this. Just doing the right image searches brings up a lot of shared symbolism, with pic related being the most obvious example I found.
>I think it would be an appropriate symbols for us Hapas to adopt today, of course provided people can get past the "MUH NAZEEEES" taboo.
Agreed, although the Nazi association could actually be useful. It takes a strong will to rally around a symbol you have been taught to hate, and defiantly doing so would create a strong sense of group solidarity. It would also scare away larpers and opportunists, as they won't want their reputation tarnished with Nazi imagery.
>I myself am involved in a STEM field.
Do you mind if I ask which one, just out of interest? I'm not involved in a STEM field right now, but have previously studied Mathematics and worked in UI/UX development.
>Even if a small population of Hapas were assembled, those genes through which we inherited some of our parents' intelligence would already be the majority among that population
It would be a very strong bottleneck effect amplified by the fact that we have to start a new community in the first place, attracting frontiersman personalities. The only thing that worries me is the correlation between IQ and neuroticism.

Anonymous 12/09/2019 (Mon) 08:41:25 Id: f9c1a5 [Preview] No.113 del
>Majiayao Odal
I had no idea about this one. This is really quite interesting.

>Agreed, although the Nazi association could actually be useful. It takes a strong will to rally around a symbol you have been taught to hate, and defiantly doing so would create a strong sense of group solidarity. It would also scare away larpers and opportunists, as they won't want their reputation tarnished with Nazi imagery.
That is definintely true. But there are two things that any movement absolutely needs if it is to even approach success. The first is financial backing, and the second is personnel. Hapas are already a very small group, compared to most races. My estimate is that there are between 1.5 and 2 million Hapas alive today, and more than half of those are minors. What this means is that every last man is valuable. Nazi imagery would indeed turn many, many Hapas away from the movement, but, Hapas already being so few in number, how many men would that leave us with? Further, few Hapas would be willing to donate anything or financially support us.

I think what could work is that we have an inner, esoteric movement which controls a larger, exoteric movement. Those Hapas who, as you described, are not frightened off by swastikas or talks of a Hapa ethnostate we can allow to join the inner movement, which shall be more secretive. But the outer movement could be more normie-friendly, and more focused on organizing and amassing large amounts of personnel and capital. In this way we can "fish" for men who would be particularly loyal to the Hapa movement, while at the same time gaining support and financial backing.

>Do you mind if I ask which one, just out of interest?
Pharmacy. I Haven't decided on a specific subfield yet but might be leaning in the direction of hospital work.

>The only thing that worries me is the correlation between IQ and neuroticism.
Yes this is the other side of the coin. Many studies have confirmed that Hapas and other mixed-race groups have higher rates of mental illness. This is just something we as a race are going to have to deal with, just as the Japanese have to deal with having higher rates of colon cancer. Eventually it can be removed from the genepool using careful eugenics or some advanced gene therapy.

Anonymous 12/09/2019 (Mon) 09:13:57 [Preview] No.114 del
The fact is that Nazis are a failed ideology which do not support us. They were movement for the advancement of white interests only, and the remainder of its adherents are powerless and opposed to our existence as well.
We should not larp using crusty old symbols, but instead form something new which has a chance of success, and which the majority of Eurasians who exist today can identify with, agree with and support.

Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 01:07:13 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.116 del
>I think what could work is that we have an inner, esoteric movement which controls a larger, exoteric movement.
>In this way we can "fish" for men who would be particularly loyal to the Hapa movement, while at the same time gaining support and financial backing.
I like the sound of this. We can stratify the group and move individuals closer to the center as they prove their loyalty. Top down support networks provide useful connections and services for the members, while funneling wealth and influence to the inner circle.
It actually reminds me of how some existing communities already operate, such as the Amish or the Hasidic Jews. Their own community leaders own the land and run the institutions for the group. So while they technically live under liberal democracies, their de-facto government is a patriarchal theocracy.
>Pharmacy. I Haven't decided on a specific subfield yet but might be leaning in the direction of hospital work.
What's that like? Is the demand very high, or is that a meme?

Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 01:14:28 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.117 del
>The fact is that Nazis are a failed ideology which do not support us.
>We should not larp using crusty old symbols
The Swastika does not belong to the Nazis. No amount of propaganda will stop me using what is ours by right.

Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 05:14:47 Id: 2a548b [Preview] No.122 del
I agree, we need something that normie Hapas would be willing to support. While Hapas do have every right to use the swastika as Europeans and Asians have, the vast majority of Hapas would reject the movement if it openly sported swastikas, and, with no one to join it, the movement would not go anywhere. We need other symbols too. Now both Asian and European cultures have the dragon in their mythologies. And further, much like us, the dragon is usually said to be a chimera/hybrid of different creatures, and yet is its own source of strength and eccentricity. I think this is another symbol we could adopt to our own uses. Beyond that, however, I also think we need a completely new symbol that has no precendent within either European or Asian culture, some ethnic symbol that is completely unique to us.

>What's that like? Is the demand very high, or is that a meme?
The demand used to be higher, especially during the 90s and 00s, but is still pretty high now. The great thing about pharmacy though, other than that it can be completed in less time than a medical degree, is that is a very versatile profession, that can land one in a job anywhere from a hospital to a local store to an multinational company. Also if that apocalypse everyone has been waiting for for years finally happens the demand will get even higher.

>I like the sound of this. We can stratify the group and move individuals closer to the center as they prove their loyalty. Top down support networks provide useful connections and services for the members, while funneling wealth and influence to the inner circle.
Exactly. This way we can develop long-term plans without everyone knowing about them immediately. It's great for security, and prevents the movement from getting subverted too easily. If you know any Hapas other than us on this board who would be suitable for this we could start compiling a list of email addresses and/or start meeting on IRC or discord.

Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 18:06:24 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.130 del
>If you know any Hapas other than us on this board who would be suitable for this we could start compiling a list of email addresses and/or start meeting on IRC or discord.
This should do for now.
We'll have to move to something more secure as the membership grows, though.

Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 19:51:23 [Preview] No.131 del
I can host an onion irc server. Someone else will have to administer it though because I have no experience with irc shit besides the most basic usages

Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 20:31:29 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.133 del
Here's a new link, as I'm not sure if the first one is working.

Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 20:33:38 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.134 del
>I have no experience with irc shit besides the most basic usages
Same here. I'll join if you host it though.

Anonymous 12/11/2019 (Wed) 06:09:36 Id: 1f2d14 [Preview] No.140 del

I'm willing to administer it if you would host it. I've dealt with IRC in the past but not extensively, but would be willing to learn.

Anonymous 12/11/2019 (Wed) 08:17:22 [Preview] No.141 del
I'll try and get it done sometime. But I'm kind of busy at the moment so it might be in two or three weeks. I'll post the link here.

Anonymous 12/17/2019 (Tue) 05:18:16 Id: eee0b3 [Preview] No.149 del
It would be good if you also join the discord, as it is up and running. Try to bring as many as you can with you.

Anonymous 12/17/2019 (Tue) 16:59:37 [Preview] No.151 del
I've done it, hapaircv57dntiqj.onion port 6667. Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to get clearnet access, but perhaps someone can set up a clearnet relay.
You can access it using any irc client. I recommend weechat for CLI, hexchat for GUI or just use thunderbird if you already have it installed.
I would but it requires too much javascript and blocks tor. That's why I suggested IRC, which can be hosted as a tor hidden service.

Anonymous 12/18/2019 (Wed) 09:50:17 Id: f9c1a5 [Preview] No.152 del
Thanks anon. I've already successfully connected to and joined it. I also think permanantly using IRC would be a better idea because it can't get nuked by discord or some other company.

Anonymous 11/13/2020 (Fri) 23:23:22 Id: fa28da [Preview] No.184 del
Vladimir Lenin and the guy who raised the red flag over Berlin do not exist to you?

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