/euzn/ - Eurasian

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Board owner 01/05/2020 (Sun) 06:57:59 [Preview] No. 160
TOR Hidden Imageboard HapaChan

This is your reminder that a very based anon recently opened HapaChan, a hidden TOR imageboard exclusively for us Eurasians. All users are encouraged to migrate there, as, in addition to providing extra privacy and security, I also hope it will serve as a long-term meeting point for members of the Eurasian movement. I will be migrating there as well, but will also continue to post, reply and moderate on this board.

The address is: http://hapachanzirxtxkvkd25uzabtnzqbrd2l5prmtt6hv5mmyr65oed3nqd.onion/pico/euzn/86#92

Remember this is a TOR hidden site, so you will need to have TOR installed and running on your computer, and to either setup your browser to use the TOR proxy or else use the TOR browser. All information on how to do that can be readily found online.

Also a reminder that the TOR hidden IRC server is hapaircv57dntiqj.onion/6667 . Like HapaChan, this is a hidden TOR service that requires you to have TOR running and to configure your IRC client to work with TOR. Again all information on how to do this can be found with an online search.

Thank you and good luck.

Anonymous 01/07/2020 (Tue) 00:36:07 Id: 2912e2 [Preview] No.161 del
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Thank you for creating this.

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